
equal_range (STL/CLR)


The latest version of this topic can be found at equal_range (STL/CLR).

Finds a pair of positions in an ordered range, the first less than or equivalent to the position of a specified element and the second greater than the element's position, where the sense of equivalence or ordering used to establish the positions in the sequence may be specified by a binary predicate.


template<class _FwdIt, class _Ty> inline  
    _PAIR_TYPE(_FwdIt) equal_range(_FwdIt _First, _FwdIt _Last,  
        const _Ty% _Val);  
template<class _FwdIt, class _Ty, class _Pr> inline  
    _PAIR_TYPE(_FwdIt) equal_range(_FwdIt _First, _FwdIt _Last,  
        const _Ty% _Val, _Pr _Pred);  


This function behaves the same as the STL function equal_range. For more information, see equal_range.


Header: <cliext/algorithm>

Namespace: cliext

See Also

algorithm (STL/CLR)