如需 Visual Studio 2017 的最新文件請參閱 Visual Studio 2017 文件。
專案的子型別可以儲存並擷取專案檔中的子型別特定資料。 管理封裝架構 (MPF) 提供兩個介面來完成這項工作︰
IVsBuildPropertyStorage介面允許存取屬性值從MSBuild專案檔的區段。 所提供的方法IVsBuildPropertyStorage可以被呼叫的任何使用者只要載入或儲存使用者必須建立相關的資料。
IPersistXMLFragment用來保留非建置自由格式的 XML 中的相關的資料。 所提供的方法IPersistXMLFragment會呼叫Visual Studio每當Visual Studio需要保存在專案檔中的非組建相關的資料。
如需有關如何保存組建和非組建相關的資料的詳細資訊,請參閱MSBuild 專案檔中的保存資料。
private SpecializedProject project; IVsBuildPropertyStorage projectStorage = (IVsBuildPropertyStorage)project; string newFullPath = GetNewFullPath(); // Set a full path of the project file. ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(projectStorage.SetPropertyValue( "MSBuildProjectDirectory", String.Empty, (uint)_PersistStorageType.PST_PROJECT_FILE, newFullPath));
private SpecializedProject project; IVsBuildPropertyStorage projectStorage = (IVsBuildPropertyStorage)project; string fullPath; // Get a full path of the project file. ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(projectStorage.GetPropertyValue( "MSBuildProjectDirectory", String.Empty, (uint)_PersistStorageType.PST_PROJECT_FILE, out fullPath));
實作IsFragmentDirty方法,以判斷是否已變更 XML 片段,自上次儲存到目前的檔案。
public int IsFragmentDirty(uint storage, out int pfDirty) { pfDirty = 0; switch (storage) { case (uint)_PersistStorageType.PST_PROJECT_FILE: { if (isDirty) pfDirty |= 1; break; } case (uint)_PersistStorageType.PST_USER_FILE: { // We do not store anything in the user file. break; } } // Forward the call to inner flavor(s) if (pfDirty == 0 && innerCfg != null && this.innerCfg is IPersistXMLFragment) return ((IPersistXMLFragment)this.innerCfg).IsFragmentDirty(storage, out pfDirty); return VSConstants.S_OK; }
實作儲存方法,將 XML 資料儲存在專案檔中。
public int Save(ref Guid guidFlavor, uint storage, out string pbstrXMLFragment, int fClearDirty) { pbstrXMLFragment = null; if (IsMyFlavorGuid(ref guidFlavor)) { switch (storage) { case (uint)_PersistStorageType.PST_PROJECT_FILE: { // Create XML for our data. XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlNode root = doc.CreateElement(this.GetType().Name); XmlNode node = doc.CreateElement(targetsTag); node.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(this.TargetsToExecute)); root.AppendChild(node); node = doc.CreateElement(updateTargetsTag); node.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(this.UpdateTargetList.ToString())); root.AppendChild(node); doc.AppendChild(root); // Get XML fragment representing our data pbstrXMLFragment = doc.InnerXml; if (fClearDirty != 0) isDirty = false; break; } case (uint)_PersistStorageType.PST_USER_FILE: { // We do not store anything in the user file. break; } } } // Forward the call to inner flavor(s) if (this.innerCfg != null && this.innerCfg is IPersistXMLFragment) return ((IPersistXMLFragment)this.innerCfg).Save(ref guidFlavor, storage, out pbstrXMLFragment, fClearDirty); return VSConstants.S_OK; }
實作InitNew方法來初始化專案的擴充屬性和其他組建無關的資料。 如果沒有出現在專案檔案中的 XML 組態資料,會呼叫這個方法。
public int InitNew(ref Guid guidFlavor, uint storage) { //Return,if it is our guid. if (IsMyFlavorGuid(ref guidFlavor)) return VSConstants.S_OK; //Forward the call to inner flavor(s). if (this.innerCfg != null && this.innerCfg is IPersistXMLFragment) return ((IPersistXMLFragment)this.innerCfg).InitNew(ref guidFlavor, storage); return VSConstants.S_OK;
實作載入方法,以便從專案檔案載入 XML 資料。
public int Load(ref Guid guidFlavor, uint storage, string pszXMLFragment) { if (IsMyFlavorGuid(ref guidFlavor)) { switch (storage) { case (uint)_PersistStorageType.PST_PROJECT_FILE: { // Load our data from the XML fragment. XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlNode node = doc.CreateElement(this.GetType().Name); node.InnerXml = pszXMLFragment; if (node == null || node.FirstChild == null || node.FirstChild.ChildNodes.Count == 0 || node.FirstChild.ChildNodes[0].Name != targetsTag) break; this.TargetsToExecute = node.FirstChild.ChildNodes[0].InnerText; if (node.FirstChild.ChildNodes.Count <= 1 || node.FirstChild.ChildNodes[1].Name != updateTargetsTag) break; this.UpdateTargetList = bool.Parse(node.FirstChild.ChildNodes[1].InnerText); break; } case (uint)_PersistStorageType.PST_USER_FILE: { // We do not store anything in the user file. break; } } } // Forward the call to inner flavor(s) if (this.innerCfg != null && this.innerCfg is IPersistXMLFragment) return ((IPersistXMLFragment)this.innerCfg).Load(ref guidFlavor, storage, pszXMLFragment); return VSConstants.S_OK; }
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