
Adding Directories to the Add New Item Dialog Box

The following code example demonstrates how to register a new set of directories for the Add New Item dialog box. Directories for the Add New Item dialog box are different for each project. Therefore, the directories are registered under the Projects subkey, found in <HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0Exp\Projects>:

The Registry Script

  NoRemove Projects
    NoRemove %GUID_Project%
      NoRemove AddItemTemplates
        NoRemove TemplateDirs
          ForceRemove %CLSID_Package%
        ForceRemove /1 = s '#%Folder_Label_ResID%'
              val TemplatesDir = s '%Template_Path%'   
              val SortPriority = d 2000

The Template_Path value specifies the full path of the directory that contains the project templates. These templates can be either .vsz files or prototypical template files to be cloned.

The SortPriority value specifies a sorting priority.

Adding Items to an Existing Project

You can also add items to an existing project. For example, for a Visual C# project, you can add items to the <root>\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio \VC#\CSharpProjectItems\LocalProjectItems folder. In this case the %GUID_Project% is the GUID for a C# project ({FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}).

You can also extend an existing project by programming a project subtype. With a project subtype, you can extend a project without writing a new project type. For more information about project subtypes, see Project Subtypes.

See Also


Registering Project and Item Templates

Adding Items to the Add New Item Dialog Boxes

Adding Directories to the New Project Dialog Box