How to: 加入和移除屬性頁
專案設計工具提供集中的位置,來管理專案屬性、 設定和資源在Visual Studio。 它會以單一視窗中出現Visual Studio整合開發環境 (IDE),並包含在右邊窗格,可以透過左邊的索引標籤存取的數字。 (時常被稱為屬性頁)] 在專案設計工具窗格會因專案類型和語言而定。 專案設計工具可以使用存取屬性 命令 專案功能表。
專案子類型 」 常需要在專案設計工具中顯示額外的屬性頁。 同樣地,某些專案子類型可能需要移除內建屬性頁。 如果要執行兩項作業,您的專案子類型必須實作IVsHierarchy介面,並覆寫GetProperty方法。 藉由覆寫這個方法,並使用propId參數包含的值的其中一個__VSHPROPID2列舉型別,您可以篩選、 新增或移除專案屬性。 例如,您可能需要組態相關屬性頁中加入頁面。 若要這樣做,您要篩選組態相關屬性頁,然後將新頁面新增至現有的清單。
加入和移除專案設計工具中的 [屬性頁
若要移除 [專案設計工具中的 [屬性頁
覆寫**GetProperty(uint itemId, int propId, out object property)**方法,以篩選屬性頁,並取得clsids清單。
Protected Overrides int GetProperty(uint itemId, int propId, out object property) Protected Overrides Function GetProperty(ByVal itemId As UInteger, ByVal propId As Integer, ByRef [property] As Object) As Integer 'Use propId to filter configuration-independent property pages. Select Case propId .... Case CInt(Fix(__VSHPROPID2.VSHPROPID_PropertyPagesCLSIDList)) 'Get a semicolon-delimited list of clsids of the configuration-independent property pages ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(MyBase.GetProperty(itemId, propId, [property])) Dim propertyPagesList As String = ((String)[property]).ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) 'Remove the property page here .... .... End Select .... Return MyBase.GetProperty(itemId, propId, [property]) End Function
protected override int GetProperty(uint itemId, int propId, out object property) { //Use propId to filter configuration-independent property pages. switch (propId) { . . . . case (int)__VSHPROPID2.VSHPROPID_PropertyPagesCLSIDList: { //Get a semicolon-delimited list of clsids of the configuration-independent property pages ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(base.GetProperty(itemId, propId, out property)); string propertyPagesList = ((string)property).ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //Remove the property page here . . . . } . . . . } . . . . return base.GetProperty(itemId, propId, out property); }
Private buildEventsPageGuid As String = "{1E78F8DB-6C07-4D61-A18F-7514010ABD56}" Private index As Integer = propertyPagesList.IndexOf(buildEventsPageGuid) If index <> -1 Then ' GUIDs are separated by ';' so if you remove the last GUID, also remove the last ';' Dim index2 As Integer = index + buildEventsPageGuid.Length + 1 If index2 >= propertyPagesList.Length Then propertyPagesList = propertyPagesList.Substring(0, index).TrimEnd(";"c) Else propertyPagesList = propertyPagesList.Substring(0, index) + propertyPagesList.Substring(index2) End If End If 'New property value property = propertyPagesList
string buildEventsPageGuid = "{1E78F8DB-6C07-4D61-A18F-7514010ABD56}"; int index = propertyPagesList.IndexOf(buildEventsPageGuid); if (index != -1) { // GUIDs are separated by ';' so if you remove the last GUID, also remove the last ';' int index2 = index + buildEventsPageGuid.Length + 1; if (index2 >= propertyPagesList.Length) propertyPagesList = propertyPagesList.Substring(0, index).TrimEnd(';'); else propertyPagesList = propertyPagesList.Substring(0, index) + propertyPagesList.Substring(index2); } //New property value property = propertyPagesList;
Class DeployPropertyPage Inherits Form Implements Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IPropertyPage 'Summary: Return a stucture describing your property page. .... Public Sub GetPageInfo(ByVal pPageInfo As Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.PROPPAGEINFO()) Dim info As PROPPAGEINFO = New PROPPAGEINFO() info.cb = CUInt(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(PROPPAGEINFO))) info.dwHelpContext = 0 info.pszDocString = Nothing info.pszHelpFile = Nothing info.pszTitle = "Deployment" 'Assign tab name = Me.Size.Width = Me.Size.Height If Not pPageInfo Is Nothing AndAlso pPageInfo.Length > 0 Then pPageInfo(0) = info End If End Sub End Class
class DeployPropertyPage : Form, Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IPropertyPage { . . . . //Summary: Return a stucture describing your property page. public void GetPageInfo(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.PROPPAGEINFO[] pPageInfo) { PROPPAGEINFO info = new PROPPAGEINFO(); info.cb = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PROPPAGEINFO)); info.dwHelpContext = 0; info.pszDocString = null; info.pszHelpFile = null; info.pszTitle = "Deployment"; //Assign tab name = this.Size.Width; = this.Size.Height; if (pPageInfo != null && pPageInfo.Length > 0) pPageInfo[0] = info; } }
<MSVSIP.ProvideObject(GetType(DeployPropertyPage), RegisterUsing = RegistrationMethod.CodeBase)>
[MSVSIP.ProvideObject(typeof(DeployPropertyPage), RegisterUsing = RegistrationMethod.CodeBase)]
覆寫**GetProperty(uint itemId, int propId, out object property)**方法,以篩選屬性頁、 取得clsids清單,並加入新的屬性頁。
Protected Overrides Function GetProperty(ByVal itemId As UInteger, ByVal propId As Integer, ByRef [property] As Object) As Integer 'Use propId to filter configuration-dependent property pages. Select Case propId .... case CInt(Fix(__VSHPROPID2.VSHPROPID_CfgPropertyPagesCLSIDList)): 'Get a semicolon-delimited list of clsids of the configuration-dependent property pages. ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(MyBase.GetProperty(itemId, propId, [property])) 'Add the Deployment property page. [property] &= ";"c + GetType(DeployPropertyPage).GUID.ToString("B") End Select .... Return MyBase.GetProperty(itemId, propId, [property]) End Function
protected override int GetProperty(uint itemId, int propId, out object property) { //Use propId to filter configuration-dependent property pages. switch (propId) { . . . . case (int)__VSHPROPID2.VSHPROPID_CfgPropertyPagesCLSIDList: { //Get a semicolon-delimited list of clsids of the configuration-dependent property pages. ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(base.GetProperty(itemId, propId, out property)); //Add the Deployment property page. property += ';' + typeof(DeployPropertyPage).GUID.ToString("B"); } } . . . . return base.GetProperty(itemId, propId, out property); }
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