VSConstants.VSStd97CmdID Enumeration
These constants make some basic menu commands available to managed code.
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11.0.dll)
<GuidAttribute("5EFC7975-14BC-11CF-9B2B-00AA00573819")> _
Public Enumeration VSStd97CmdID
public enum VSStd97CmdID
Member name | Description | |
AlignBottom | Align Bottom | |
AlignHorizontalCenters | Align Horizontal Centers | |
AlignLeft | Align Left | |
AlignRight | Align Right | |
AlignToGrid | Align to Grid | |
AlignTop | Align Top | |
AlignVerticalCenters | Align Vertical Centers | |
ArrangeBottom | Arrange Bottom | |
ArrangeRight | Arrange Right | |
BringForward | Bring forward | |
BringToFront | Bring to front | |
CenterHorizontally | Center horizontally | |
CenterVertically | Center vertically | |
Code | Code | |
Copy | Command id : "Copy". | |
Cut | Command id: "Cut". | |
Delete | Command id: "Delete". | |
FontName | Font Name | |
FontNameGetList | Get Font Name List | |
FontSize | Font Size | |
FontSizeGetList | Get Font Size List | |
Group | Group | |
HorizSpaceConcatenate | Concatenate Horizontal Space | |
HorizSpaceDecrease | Decrease Horizontal Space | |
HorizSpaceIncrease | Increase Horizontal Space | |
HorizSpaceMakeEqual | Make Horizontal Space Equal | |
LockControls | Lock Controls | |
InsertObject | Insert Object | |
Paste | Command id:"Paste". | |
Command id:"Print". | ||
Properties | Properties | |
Redo | Command id:"Redo". | |
MultiLevelRedo | Multi Level Redo | |
SelectAll | Command id:"Select All". | |
SendBackward | Send Backward | |
SendToBack | Send to Back | |
ShowTable | Show Table | |
SizeToControl | Size to Control | |
SizeToControlHeight | Size to Control Height | |
SizeToControlWidth | Size to Control Width | |
SizeToFit | Size to Fit | |
SizeToGrid | Size to Grid | |
SnapToGrid | Snap to Grid | |
TabOrder | Tab Order | |
Toolbox | Toolbox | |
Undo | Command id:"Undo". | |
MultiLevelUndo | Multi Level Undo | |
Ungroup | Ungroup | |
VertSpaceConcatenate | Concatenate Vertical Space | |
VertSpaceDecrease | Decrease Vertical Space | |
VertSpaceIncrease | Increase Vertical Space | |
VertSpaceMakeEqual | Make Vertical Space Equal | |
ZoomPercent | Zoom by Percent | |
BackColor | Back Color | |
Bold | Bold | |
BorderColor | Border Color | |
BorderDashDot | Border: dash dot | |
BorderDashDotDot | Border: dash dot dot | |
BorderDashes | Border: dashes | |
BorderDots | Border: dots | |
BorderShortDashes | Border: short dashes | |
BorderSolid | Border: solid | |
BorderSparseDots | Border: sparse dots | |
BorderWidth1 | Border width 1 | |
BorderWidth2 | Border width 2 | |
BorderWidth3 | Border width 3 | |
BorderWidth4 | Border width 4 | |
BorderWidth5 | Border width 5 | |
BorderWidth6 | Border width 6 | |
BorderWidthHairline | Border width Hairline | |
Flat | Flat | |
ForeColor | Foreground Coler | |
Italic | Italic | |
JustifyCenter | Center Justify | |
JustifyGeneral | Justify General | |
JustifyLeft | Left Justify | |
JustifyRight | Justify Right | |
Raised | Raised | |
Sunken | Sunken | |
Underline | Underline | |
Chiseled | Chiseled | |
Etched | Etched | |
Shadowed | Shadowed | |
CompDebug1 | Compile debug 1 | |
CompDebug2 | Compile debug 2 | |
CompDebug3 | Compile debug 3 | |
CompDebug4 | Compile debug 4 | |
CompDebug5 | Compile debug 5 | |
CompDebug6 | Compile debug 6 | |
CompDebug7 | Compile debug 7 | |
CompDebug8 | Compile debug 8 | |
CompDebug9 | Compile debug 9 | |
CompDebug10 | Compile debug 10 | |
CompDebug11 | Compile debug 11 | |
CompDebug12 | Compile debug 12 | |
CompDebug13 | Compile debug 13 | |
CompDebug14 | Compile debug 14 | |
CompDebug15 | Compile debug 15 | |
ExistingSchemaEdit | Edit Existing Schema | |
Find | Command id:"Find". | |
GetZoom | Get Zoom | |
QueryOpenDesign | Open Query Designer | |
QueryOpenNew | Open New Query | |
SingleTableDesign | Single Table Design | |
SingleTableNew | Single New Table | |
ShowGrid | Show Grid | |
NewTable | New Table | |
CollapsedView | Collapsed view | |
FieldView | View Field | |
VerifySQL | Verify SQL | |
HideTable | Hide Table | |
PrimaryKey | Primary Key | |
Save | Command id:"Save". | |
SaveAs | Command id:"Save As". | |
SortAscending | Sort in Ascending Order | |
SortDescending | Sort in Descending Order | |
AppendQuery | Append Query | |
CrosstabQuery | Crosstab query | |
DeleteQuery | Delete Query | |
MakeTableQuery | Make Table Query | |
SelectQuery | Select by Query | |
UpdateQuery | Update Query | |
Parameters | Parameters | |
Totals | Totals | |
ViewCollapsed | View Collapsed | |
ViewFieldList | View Field List | |
ViewKeys | View Keys | |
ViewGrid | View Grid | |
InnerJoin | Inner Join | |
RightOuterJoin | Right Outer Join | |
LeftOuterJoin | Left Outer Join | |
FullOuterJoin | Full Outer Join | |
UnionJoin | Union Join | |
ShowSQLPane | Show SQL Pane | |
ShowGraphicalPane | Show Graphical Pane | |
ShowDataPane | Show Data Pane | |
ShowQBEPane | Show QBE Pane | |
SelectAllFields | Select All Fields | |
OLEObjectMenuButton | Object Browser command id: Object Menu Button | |
ObjectVerbList0 | Object Verb List 0 | |
ObjectVerbList1 | Object Verb List 1 | |
ObjectVerbList2 | Object Verb List 2 | |
ObjectVerbList3 | Object Verb List 3 | |
ObjectVerbList4 | Object Verb List 4 | |
ObjectVerbList5 | Object Verb List 5 | |
ObjectVerbList6 | Object Verb List 6 | |
ObjectVerbList7 | Object Verb List 7 | |
ObjectVerbList8 | Object Verb List 8 | |
ObjectVerbList9 | Object Verb List 9 | |
ConvertObject | Convert object | |
CustomControl | Custom control | |
CustomizeItem | Customize item | |
Rename | Rename | |
Import | Import | |
NewPage | New Page | |
Move | Move | |
Cancel | Cancel | |
Font | Font | |
ExpandLinks | Expand Links | |
ExpandImages | Expand Images | |
ExpandPages | Expand Pages | |
RefocusDiagram | Refocus Diagram | |
TransitiveClosure | Transitive Closure | |
CenterDiagram | Center diagram | |
ZoomIn | Zoom In | |
ZoomOut | Zoom Out | |
RemoveFilter | Remove Filter | |
HidePane | Hide Pane | |
DeleteTable | Delete Table | |
DeleteRelationship | Delete Relationship | |
Remove | Remove | |
JoinLeftAll | Left Join All | |
JoinRightAll | Right Join All | |
AddToOutput | Add selected fields to query output. | |
OtherQuery | Change query type to "other". | |
GenerateChangeScript | Generate a change script. | |
SaveSelection | Save Selection | |
AutojoinCurrent | Autojoin current tables. | |
AutojoinAlways | Autojoin Always | |
EditPage | Launch editor for URL. | |
ViewLinks | Launch new webscope for URL. | |
Stop | Stop webscope rendering. | |
Pause | Pause | |
Resume | Resume webscope rendering. | |
FilterDiagram | Filter webscope diagram. | |
ShowAllObjects | Show all objects in webscope diagram. | |
ShowApplications | Show Application objects in webscope diagram. | |
ShowOtherObjects | Show other objects in webscope diagram. | |
ShowPrimRelationships | Show primary relationships. | |
Expand | Expand links. | |
Collapse | Collapse links. | |
Refresh | Refresh webscope diagram. | |
Layout | Layout webscope diagram. | |
ShowResources | Show resource objects in webscope diagram. | |
InsertHTMLWizard | Insert HTML using a Wizard. | |
ShowDownloads | Show download objects in webscope diagram. | |
ShowExternals | Show external objects in webscope diagram. | |
ShowInBoundLinks | Show inbound links in webscope diagram. | |
ShowOutBoundLinks | Show outbound links in webscope diagram. | |
ShowInAndOutBoundLinks | Show inbound and outbound links in webscope diagram. | |
Preview | Preview page. | |
Open | Open. | |
OpenWith | Open with. | |
ShowPages | Show HTML pages. | |
RunQuery | Run a query. | |
ClearQuery | Clear a query's associated cursor. | |
RecordFirst | Go to first record in set. | |
RecordLast | Go to last record in set. | |
RecordNext | Go to the next record in set. | |
RecordPrevious | Go to previous record in set. | |
RecordGoto | Go to record via dialog. | |
RecordNew | Add a record to set. | |
InsertNewMenu | Insert menu using menu designer. | |
InsertSeparator | Insert separator using menu designer. | |
EditMenuNames | Edit menu names with menu designer. | |
DebugExplorer | Debug explorer | |
DebugProcesses | Debug processes | |
ViewThreadsWindow | View Threads Window | |
WindowUIList | Window UI List | |
NewProject | Command id:"New Project" on File menu. | |
OpenProject | Command id:"Open Project" on File menu. | |
OpenProjectFromWeb | Command id:"Open Project From Web" on File menu | |
OpenSolution | Command id:"Open Solution" on File menu. | |
CloseSolution | Command id for: "Close Solution". | |
FileNew | Command id:"File New" on File menu. | |
NewProjectFromExisting | Command id:"New Project From Existing" on File menu. | |
FileOpen | Command id:"File Open" on File menu. | |
FileOpenFromWeb | Command id:"File Open From Web" on File menu. | |
FileClose | Command id:"File Close" on File menu. | |
SaveSolution | Command id:"Save Solution" on File menu. | |
SaveSolutionAs | Command id:"Save Solution As" on File menu. | |
SaveProjectItemAs | Command id:"Save Project Item As" on File menu. | |
PageSetup | Command id:"Page Setup" on File menu. | |
PrintPreview | Command id:"Print Preview" on File menu. | |
Exit | Command id:"Exit" on File menu. | |
Replace | Command id:"Replace" on Edit menu. | |
Goto | Command id:"Go To" on Edit menu. | |
PropertyPages | Command id:"Property Pages" on View menu. | |
FullScreen | Command id:"Full Screen" on View menu. | |
ProjectExplorer | Command id:"Project Explorer" on View menu. | |
PropertiesWindow | Properties Window | |
TaskListWindow | Command id:"Task List Window" on View menu. | |
OutputWindow | Command id:"Output Window" on View menu. | |
ObjectBrowser | Command id:"Object Browser" on View menu. | |
DocOutlineWindow | Command id:"Document Outline Window" on View menu. | |
ImmediateWindow | Command id:"Immediate Window" on View menu. | |
WatchWindow | Command id:"Watch Window" on View menu. | |
LocalsWindow | Command id:"Locals Window" on View menu. | |
CallStack | Command id:"Call Stack" on View menu. | |
AutosWindow | Command id:"Autos Window" on View menu. | |
ThisWindow | Command id:"This Window" on View menu. | |
AddNewItem | Command id:"Add New Item" on Project menu. | |
AddExistingItem | Command id:"Add Existing Item" on Project menu. | |
NewFolder | Command id:"New Folder" on Project menu. | |
SetStartupProject | Command id:"Set as StartUp Project" on Project menu. | |
ProjectSettings | Command id:"Project Settings" on Project menu. | |
ProjectReferences | Command id:"Project References" on Project menu. | |
StepInto | Command id:"Step Into" on Debug menu. | |
StepOver | Command id:"Step Over" on Debug menu. | |
StepOut | Command id:"Step Out" on Debug menu. | |
RunToCursor | Command id:"Run To Cursor" on Debug menu. | |
AddWatch | Command id:"Add Watch" on Debug menu. | |
EditWatch | Command id:"Edit Watch" on Debug menu. | |
QuickWatch | Command id:"Quick Watch" on Debug menu. | |
ToggleBreakpoint | Command id:"Toggle Breakpoint" on Debug menu. | |
ClearBreakpoints | Command id for: "Clear Breakpoints" on Debug menu. | |
ShowBreakpoints | Command id:"Show Breakpoints" on Debug menu. | |
SetNextStatement | Command id:"Set Next Statement" on Debug menu. | |
ShowNextStatement | Command id:"Show Next Statement" on Debug menu. | |
EditBreakpoint | Command id:"Edit Breakpoint" on Debug menu. | |
DetachDebugger | Command id: "Detach Debugger" on Debug menu. | |
CustomizeKeyboard | Command id: "Customize Keyboard" on Tools menu. | |
ToolsOptions | Command id:"Tools Options" on the Tools menu. | |
NewWindow | Command id:"New Window" on Window menu. | |
Split | Command id:"Split" on Window menu. | |
Cascade | Command id:"Cascade" on Window menu. | |
TileHorz | Command id:"Tile Horizontal" on Window menu. | |
TileVert | Command id:"Tile Vertical" on Window menu. | |
TechSupport | Command id:"Technical Support" on Help menu. | |
About | Open the About dialog box. | |
DebugOptions | Debug options | |
DeleteWatch | Command id: "Delete Watch" on Watch context menu. | |
CollapseWatch | Command id:"Collapse Watch" on Watch context menu. | |
PbrsToggleStatus | Command id:"Property Browser Toggle Status" on Property Browser context menu. | |
PropbrsHide | Command id:"Hide Property Browser" on Property Browser context menu. | |
DockingView | Command id: "Docking View" on Docking context menu. | |
HideActivePane | Command id:"Hide Active Pane" on Docking context menu. | |
PaneNextPane | Command id:"Next Pane" for window selection via keyboard. | |
PanePrevPane | Command id:"Previous Pane" for window selection via keyboard. | |
PaneNextTab | Command id:"Next Tab" for window selection via keyboard. | |
PanePrevTab | Command id:"Previous Pane" for window selection via keyboard. | |
PaneCloseToolWindow | Command id:"Close Tool Window Pane" for window selection via keyboard. | |
PaneActivateDocWindow | Command id:"Activate Document Window Pane" for window selection via keyboard. | |
DockingViewMDI | Command id: "MDI Docking View" for window selection via keyboard. | |
DockingViewFloater | Command id: "Dock Floating Window" for window selection via keyboard. | |
AutoHideWindow | Command id:"Autohide Window" for window selection via keyboard. | |
MoveToDropdownBar | Command id:"Move to Dropdown Bar" for window selection via keyboard. | |
FindCmd | Find commond | |
Start | Start | |
Restart | Restart | |
AddinManager | Addin Manager | |
MultiLevelUndoList | Multi Level Undo List | |
MultiLevelRedoList | Multi Level Redo List | |
ToolboxAddTab | Add Toolbox Tab | |
ToolboxDeleteTab | Delete Toolbox Tab | |
ToolboxRenameTab | Rename Toolbox Tab | |
ToolboxTabMoveUp | Toolbox Tab Move Up | |
ToolboxTabMoveDown | Toolbox Tab Move Down | |
ToolboxRenameItem | Rename Toolbox Item | |
ToolboxListView | Toolbox List View | |
WindowUIGetList | Get Window UI List | |
InsertValuesQuery | Insert Values Query | |
ShowProperties | Show Properties | |
ThreadSuspend | Suspend Thread | |
ThreadResume | Resume Thread | |
ThreadSetFocus | Set Focus on Thread | |
DisplayRadix | Display Radix | |
OpenProjectItem | Open Project Item | |
ClearPane | Clear pane | |
GotoErrorTag | Go to Error Tag | |
TaskListSortByCategory | Sort Task List by Category | |
TaskListSortByFileLine | Sort Task List by File Line | |
TaskListSortByPriority | Sort Task List by Priority | |
TaskListSortByDefaultSort | Sort Task List by Default Sort Order | |
TaskListShowTooltip | Show Task List Tooltip | |
TaskListFilterByNothing | Filter Task List by Nothing | |
CancelEZDrag | Cancel drag | |
TaskListFilterByCategoryCompiler | Filter Task List by Compiler Category | |
TaskListFilterByCategoryComment | Filter Task List by Comment Category | |
ToolboxAddItem | Add Toolbox Item | |
ToolboxReset | Reset Toolbox | |
SaveProjectItem | Save Project Item | |
SaveOptions | Command id:"Save Options". | |
ViewForm | View Form | |
ViewCode | View Code | |
PreviewInBrowser | Preview in Browser | |
BrowseWith | Browse with | |
SearchSetCombo | Search Set Combo | |
SearchCombo | Search Combo | |
EditLabel | Edit Label | |
Exceptions | Exceptions | |
DefineViews | Define views | |
ToggleSelMode | Toggle Selection Mode | |
ToggleInsMode | Toggle Insert Mode | |
LoadUnloadedProject | Load Unloaded Project | |
UnloadLoadedProject | Unload Loaded Project | |
ElasticColumn | Elastic Column | |
HideColumn | Hide Column | |
TaskListPreviousView | Previous Task List View | |
ZoomDialog | Zoom Dialog | |
FindHiddenText | Command id:"Find Hidden Text" in Find/Replace options. | |
FindMatchCase | Command id:"Find Matching Case" in Find/Replace options. | |
FindWholeWord | Command id:"Find Whole Word" in Find/Replace options. | |
FindSimplePattern | Command id:"Find Simple Pattern" in Find/Replace options. | |
FindRegularExpression | Command id:"Find Regular Expression" in Find/Replace options. | |
FindBackwards | Command id:"Find Backwards" in Find/Replace options. | |
FindInSelection | Command id:"Find in Selection" in Find/Replace options. | |
FindStop | Command id:"Stop Find" in Find/Replace options. | |
FindInFiles | Command id:"Find in Files" in Find/Replace options. | |
ReplaceInFiles | Replace in Files | |
NextLocation | Command id:"Next Location" in Task List, Find in Files results, and so on. | |
PreviousLocation | Command id:"Previous Location" in Task List, Find in Files results, and so on. | |
GotoQuick | Go to Quick Watch | |
TaskListNextError | Filter Task List by Next Error | |
TaskListPrevError | Filter Task List by Previous Error | |
TaskListFilterByCategoryUser | Filter Task List by User Category | |
TaskListFilterByCategoryShortcut | Filter Task List by Shortcut Category | |
TaskListFilterByCategoryHTML | Filter Task List by HTML Category | |
TaskListFilterByCurrentFile | Filter Task List by Current File | |
TaskListFilterByChecked | Filter Task List by Checked Items | |
TaskListFilterByUnchecked | Filter Task List by Unchecked Items | |
TaskListSortByDescription | Sort Task List by Description | |
TaskListSortByChecked | Sort Task List by Checked Items | |
StartNoDebug | Start No Debug Build | |
FindNext | Find Next | |
FindPrev | Find Previous | |
FindSelectedNext | Find Next Selected | |
FindSelectedPrev | Find Previous Selected | |
SearchGetList | Search Get List | |
InsertBreakpoint | Insert Breakpoint | |
EnableBreakpoint | Enable Breakpoint | |
F1Help | F1 Help | |
MoveToNextEZCntr | Move to Next Container | |
UpdateMarkerSpans | Update Marker Spans | |
MoveToPreviousEZCntr | Move to Previous Container | |
ProjectProperties | Project Properties | |
PropSheetOrProperties | Property Sheet or Property Window | |
TshellStep | For debugging only. | |
TshellRun | For debugging only. | |
MarkerCmd0 | Marker command on the Code Window menu. | |
MarkerCmd1 | Marker command on the Code Window menu. | |
MarkerCmd2 | Marker command on the Code Window menu. | |
MarkerCmd3 | Marker command on the Code Window menu. | |
MarkerCmd4 | Marker command on the Code Window menu. | |
MarkerCmd5 | Marker command on the Code Window menu. | |
MarkerCmd6 | Marker command on the Code Window menu. | |
MarkerCmd7 | Marker command on the Code Window menu. | |
MarkerCmd8 | Marker command on the Code Window menu. | |
MarkerCmd9 | Marker command on the Code Window menu. | |
MarkerLast | Marker command on the Code Window menu. | |
MarkerEnd | Marker command on the Code Window menu. | |
ReloadProject | User-invoked project reload. | |
UnloadProject | User-invoked project unload. | |
NewBlankSolution | New Blank Solution | |
SelectProjectTemplate | Select Project Template | |
DetachAttachOutline | Document Outline command. | |
ShowHideOutline | Document outline command. | |
SyncOutline | Document outline command. | |
RunToCallstCursor | ||
NoCmdsAvailable | No Commands Available | |
ContextWindow | Context window | |
Alias | Alias | |
GotoCommandLine | Goto Command Line | |
EvaluateExpression | Evaluate Expression | |
ImmediateMode | Immediate Mode | |
EvaluateStatement | Evaluate Statement | |
FindResultWindow1 | Find Result Window 1 | |
FindResultWindow2 | Find Result Window 2 | |
RenameBookmark | Rename Bookmark | |
ToggleBookmark | Toggle Bookmark | |
DeleteBookmark | Delete bookmark | |
BookmarkWindowGoToBookmark | Bookmark Window: Go to Bookmark | |
EnableBookmark | Enable Bookmark | |
NewBookmarkFolder | New Bookmark Folder | |
NextBookmarkFolder | Next Bookmark Folder | |
PrevBookmarkFolder | Previous Bookmark Folder | |
Window1 | Window 1 menu id. | |
Window2 | Window 2 menu id. | |
Window3 | Window 3 menu id. | |
Window4 | Window 4 menu id. | |
Window5 | Window 5 menu id. | |
Window6 | Window 6 menu id. | |
Window7 | Window 7 menu id. | |
Window8 | Window 8 menu id. | |
Window9 | Window 9 menu id. | |
Window10 | Window 10 menu id. | |
Window11 | Window 11 menu id. | |
Window12 | Window 12 menu id. | |
Window13 | Window 13 menu id. | |
Window14 | Window 14 menu id. | |
Window15 | Window 15 menu id. | |
Window16 | Window 16 menu id. | |
Window17 | Window 17 menu id. | |
Window18 | Window 18 menu id. | |
Window19 | Window 19 menu id. | |
Window20 | Window 20 menu id. | |
Window21 | Window 21 menu id. | |
Window22 | Window 22 menu id. | |
Window23 | Window 23 menu id. | |
Window24 | Window 24 menu id. | |
Window25 | Window 25 menu id. | |
MoreWindows | Window menu id. | |
AutoHideAllWindows | Autohide All Windows | |
TaskListTaskHelp | Task List Task Help | |
ClassView | Class view | |
MRUProj1 | Command id:most recently used project 1 | |
MRUProj2 | Command id:most recently used project 2 | |
MRUProj3 | Command id:most recently used project 3 | |
MRUProj4 | Command id:most recently used project 4 | |
MRUProj5 | Command id:most recently used project 5 | |
MRUProj6 | Command id:most recently used project 6 | |
MRUProj7 | Command id:most recently used project 7 | |
MRUProj8 | Command id:most recently used project 8 | |
MRUProj9 | Command id:most recently used project 9 | |
MRUProj10 | Command id:most recently used project 10 | |
MRUProj11 | Command id:most recently used project 11 | |
MRUProj12 | Command id:most recently used project 12 | |
MRUProj13 | Command id:most recently used project 13 | |
MRUProj14 | Command id:most recently used project 14 | |
MRUProj15 | Command id:most recently used project 15 | |
MRUProj16 | Command id:most recently used project 16 | |
MRUProj17 | Command id:most recently used project 17 | |
MRUProj18 | Command id:most recently used project 18 | |
MRUProj19 | Command id:most recently used project 19 | |
MRUProj20 | Command id:most recently used project 20 | |
MRUProj21 | Command id:most recently used project 21 | |
MRUProj22 | Command id:most recently used project 22 | |
MRUProj23 | Command id:most recently used project 23 | |
MRUProj24 | Command id:most recently used project 24 | |
MRUProj25 | Command id:most recently used project 26 | |
SplitNext | Split Next | |
SplitPrev | Split Previous | |
CloseAllDocuments | Close all documents | |
NextDocument | Next Document | |
PrevDocument | Previous Document | |
Tool1 | Tool 1 | |
Tool2 | Tool 2 | |
Tool3 | Tool 3 | |
Tool4 | Tool 4 | |
Tool5 | Tool 5 | |
Tool6 | Tool 6 | |
Tool7 | Tool 7 | |
Tool8 | Tool 8 | |
Tool9 | Tool 9 | |
Tool10 | Tool 10 | |
Tool11 | Tool 11 | |
Tool12 | Tool 12 | |
Tool13 | Tool 13 | |
Tool14 | Tool 14 | |
Tool15 | Tool 15 | |
Tool16 | Tool 16 | |
Tool17 | Tool 17 | |
Tool18 | Tool 18 | |
Tool19 | Tool 19 | |
Tool20 | Tool 20 | |
Tool21 | Tool 21 | |
Tool22 | Tool 22 | |
Tool23 | Tool 23 | |
Tool24 | Tool 24 | |
ExternalCommands | External Commands | |
PasteNextTBXCBItem | Paste Next TBXCB Item | |
ToolboxShowAllTabs | Show All Toolbox Tabs | |
ProjectDependencies | Project Dependencies | |
CloseDocument | Close documents | |
ToolboxSortItems | Sort Toolbox Items | |
ViewBarView1 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView2 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView3 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView4 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView5 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView6 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView7 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView8 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView9 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView10 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView11 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView12 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView13 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView14 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView15 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView16 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView17 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView18 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView19 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView20 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView21 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView22 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView23 | Unused. | |
ViewBarView24 | Unused. | |
SolutionCfg | Solution Configuration | |
SolutionCfgGetList | Get Solution Configuration List | |
ManageIndexes | Schema table command: Manage Indexes | |
ManageRelationships | Schema table command: Manage Relationships | |
ManageConstraints | Schema table command: Manage Constraints | |
TaskListCustomView1 | Task List Custom View 1 | |
TaskListCustomView2 | Task List Custom View 2 | |
TaskListCustomView3 | Task List Custom View 3 | |
TaskListCustomView4 | Task List Custom View 4 | |
TaskListCustomView5 | Task List Custom View 5 | |
TaskListCustomView6 | Task List Custom View 6 | |
TaskListCustomView7 | Task List Custom View 7 | |
TaskListCustomView8 | Task List Custom View 8 | |
TaskListCustomView9 | Task List Custom View 9 | |
TaskListCustomView10 | Task List Custom View 10 | |
TaskListCustomView11 | Task List Custom View 11 | |
TaskListCustomView12 | Task List Custom View 12 | |
TaskListCustomView13 | Task List Custom View 13 | |
TaskListCustomView14 | Task List Custom View 14 | |
TaskListCustomView15 | Task List Custom View 15 | |
TaskListCustomView16 | Task List Custom View 16 | |
TaskListCustomView17 | Task List Custom View 17 | |
TaskListCustomView18 | Task List Custom View 18 | |
TaskListCustomView19 | Task List Custom View 19 | |
TaskListCustomView20 | Task List Custom View 20 | |
TaskListCustomView21 | Task List Custom View 21 | |
TaskListCustomView22 | Task List Custom View 22 | |
TaskListCustomView23 | Task List Custom View 23 | |
TaskListCustomView24 | Task List Custom View 24 | |
TaskListCustomView25 | Task List Custom View 25 | |
TaskListCustomView26 | Task List Custom View 26 | |
TaskListCustomView27 | Task List Custom View 27 | |
TaskListCustomView28 | Task List Custom View 28 | |
TaskListCustomView29 | Task List Custom View 29 | |
TaskListCustomView30 | Task List Custom View 30 | |
TaskListCustomView31 | Task List Custom View 31 | |
TaskListCustomView32 | Task List Custom View 32 | |
TaskListCustomView33 | Task List Custom View 33 | |
TaskListCustomView34 | Task List Custom View 34 | |
TaskListCustomView35 | Task List Custom View 35 | |
TaskListCustomView36 | Task List Custom View 36 | |
TaskListCustomView37 | Task List Custom View 37 | |
TaskListCustomView38 | Task List Custom View 38 | |
TaskListCustomView39 | Task List Custom View 39 | |
TaskListCustomView40 | Task List Custom View 40 | |
TaskListCustomView41 | Task List Custom View 41 | |
TaskListCustomView42 | Task List Custom View 42 | |
TaskListCustomView43 | Task List Custom View 43 | |
TaskListCustomView44 | Task List Custom View 44 | |
TaskListCustomView45 | Task List Custom View 45 | |
TaskListCustomView46 | Task List Custom View 46 | |
TaskListCustomView47 | Task List Custom View 47 | |
TaskListCustomView48 | Task List Custom View 48 | |
TaskListCustomView49 | Task List Custom View 49 | |
TaskListCustomView50 | Task List Custom View 50 | |
WhiteSpace | Whitespace | |
CommandWindow | Command window | |
CommandWindowMarkMode | Command window: mark mode | |
LogCommandWindow | Log Command Window | |
Shell | Shell | |
SingleChar | Single Character | |
ZeroOrMore | Zero or More | |
OneOrMore | Select One or More | |
BeginLine | Begin Line | |
EndLine | End Line | |
BeginWord | Begin Word | |
EndWord | End Word | |
CharInSet | Character in set | |
CharNotInSet | Character not in set | |
Or | Or | |
Escape | Escape | |
TagExp | Tag Expression | |
PatternMatchHelp | Regular expression builder context help menu command id: "Pattern Match Help" | |
RegExList | Regular expression builder context help menu command id: "Regular Expression List". | |
DebugReserved1 | Reserved | |
DebugReserved2 | Reserved | |
DebugReserved3 | Reserved | |
WildZeroOrMore | Regular expression builder wildcard menu command id: | |
WildSingleChar | Regular expression builder wildcard menu command id: "Single Wild Character" | |
WildSingleDigit | Regular expression builder wildcard menu command id: "Wild Single Digit". | |
WildCharInSet | Regular expression builder wildcard menu command id: "Wild Character in Set". | |
WildCharNotInSet | Regular expression builder wildcard menu command id: "Wild Character Not in Set". | |
FindWhatText | Find What Text | |
TaggedExp1 | Tagged Expression 1 | |
TaggedExp2 | Tagged Expression 2 | |
TaggedExp3 | Tagged Expression 3 | |
TaggedExp4 | Tagged Expression 4 | |
TaggedExp5 | Tagged Expression 5 | |
TaggedExp6 | Tagged Expression 6 | |
TaggedExp7 | Tagged Expression 7 | |
TaggedExp8 | Tagged Expression 8 | |
TaggedExp9 | Tagged Expression9 | |
EditorWidgetClick | Editor Widget Click | |
CmdWinUpdateAC | CmdWinUpdateAC | |
SlnCfgMgr | Solution Configuration Manager | |
AddNewProject | Add New Project | |
AddExistingProject | Add an existing project. | |
AddExistingProjFromWeb | Add an existing web project. | |
AutoHideContext1 | Autohide Context 1 | |
AutoHideContext2 | Autohide Context 2 | |
AutoHideContext3 | Autohide Context 3 | |
AutoHideContext4 | Autohide Context 4 | |
AutoHideContext5 | Autohide Context 5 | |
AutoHideContext6 | Autohide Context 6 | |
AutoHideContext7 | Autohide Context 7 | |
AutoHideContext8 | Autohide Context 8 | |
AutoHideContext9 | Autohide Context 9 | |
AutoHideContext10 | Autohide Context 10 | |
AutoHideContext11 | Autohide Context 11 | |
AutoHideContext12 | Autohide Context 12 | |
AutoHideContext13 | Autohide Context 13 | |
AutoHideContext14 | Autohide Context 14 | |
AutoHideContext15 | Autohide Context 15 | |
AutoHideContext16 | Autohide Context 16 | |
AutoHideContext17 | Autohide Context 17 | |
AutoHideContext18 | Autohide Context 18 | |
AutoHideContext19 | Autohide Context 19 | |
AutoHideContext20 | Autohide Context 20 | |
AutoHideContext21 | Autohide Context 21 | |
AutoHideContext22 | Autohide Context 22 | |
AutoHideContext23 | Autohide Context 23 | |
AutoHideContext24 | Autohide Context 24 | |
AutoHideContext25 | Autohide Context 25 | |
AutoHideContext26 | Autohide Context 26 | |
AutoHideContext27 | Autohide Context 27 | |
AutoHideContext28 | Autohide Context 28 | |
AutoHideContext29 | Autohide Context 29 | |
AutoHideContext30 | Autohide Context 30 | |
AutoHideContext31 | Autohide Context 31 | |
AutoHideContext32 | Autohide Context 32 | |
AutoHideContext33 | Autohide Context 33 | |
ShellNavBackward | Shell Navigate Backward | |
ShellNavForward | Shell Navigate Forward | |
ShellNavigate1 | Shell Navigate 1 | |
ShellNavigate2 | Shell Navigate 2 | |
ShellNavigate3 | Shell Navigate 3 | |
ShellNavigate4 | Shell Navigate 4 | |
ShellNavigate5 | Shell Navigate 5 | |
ShellNavigate6 | Shell Navigate 6 | |
ShellNavigate7 | Shell Navigate 7 | |
ShellNavigate8 | Shell Navigate 8 | |
ShellNavigate9 | Shell Navigate 9 | |
ShellNavigate10 | Shell Navigate 10 | |
ShellNavigate11 | Shell Navigate 11 | |
ShellNavigate12 | Shell Navigate 12 | |
ShellNavigate13 | Shell Navigate 13 | |
ShellNavigate14 | Shell Navigate 14 | |
ShellNavigate15 | Shell Navigate 15 | |
ShellNavigate16 | Shell Navigate 16 | |
ShellNavigate17 | Shell Navigate 17 | |
ShellNavigate18 | Shell Navigate 18 | |
ShellNavigate19 | Shell Navigate 19 | |
ShellNavigate20 | Shell Navigate 20 | |
ShellNavigate21 | Shell Navigate 21 | |
ShellNavigate22 | Shell Navigate 22 | |
ShellNavigate23 | Shell Navigate 23 | |
ShellNavigate24 | Shell Navigate 24 | |
ShellNavigate25 | Shell Navigate 25 | |
ShellNavigate26 | Shell Navigate 26 | |
ShellNavigate27 | Shell Navigate 27 | |
ShellNavigate28 | Shell Navigate 28 | |
ShellNavigate29 | Shell Navigate 29 | |
ShellNavigate30 | Shell Navigate 30 | |
ShellNavigate31 | Shell Navigate 31 | |
ShellNavigate32 | Shell Navigate 32 | |
ShellNavigate33 | Shell Navigate 33 | |
ShellWindowNavigate1 | Shell Window Navigate 1 | |
ShellWindowNavigate2 | Shell Window Navigate 2 | |
ShellWindowNavigate3 | Shell Window Navigate 3 | |
ShellWindowNavigate4 | Shell Window Navigate 4 | |
ShellWindowNavigate5 | Shell Window Navigate 5 | |
ShellWindowNavigate6 | Shell Window Navigate 6 | |
ShellWindowNavigate7 | Shell Window Navigate 7 | |
ShellWindowNavigate8 | Shell Window Navigate 8 | |
ShellWindowNavigate9 | Shell Window Navigate 9 | |
ShellWindowNavigate10 | Shell Window Navigate 10 | |
ShellWindowNavigate11 | Shell Window Navigate 11 | |
ShellWindowNavigate12 | Shell Window Navigate 12 | |
ShellWindowNavigate13 | Shell Window Navigate 13 | |
ShellWindowNavigate14 | Shell Window Navigate 14 | |
ShellWindowNavigate15 | Shell Window Navigate 15 | |
ShellWindowNavigate16 | Shell Window Navigate 16 | |
ShellWindowNavigate17 | Shell Window Navigate 17 | |
ShellWindowNavigate18 | Shell Window Navigate 18 | |
ShellWindowNavigate19 | Shell Window Navigate 19 | |
ShellWindowNavigate20 | Shell Window Navigate 20 | |
ShellWindowNavigate21 | Shell Window Navigate 21 | |
ShellWindowNavigate22 | Shell Window Navigate 22 | |
ShellWindowNavigate23 | Shell Window Navigate 23 | |
ShellWindowNavigate24 | Shell Window Navigate 24 | |
ShellWindowNavigate25 | Shell Window Navigate 25 | |
ShellWindowNavigate26 | Shell Window Navigate 26 | |
ShellWindowNavigate27 | Shell Window Navigate 27 | |
ShellWindowNavigate28 | Shell Window Navigate 28 | |
ShellWindowNavigate29 | Shell Window Navigate 29 | |
ShellWindowNavigate30 | Shell Window Navigate 30 | |
ShellWindowNavigate31 | Shell Window Navigate 31 | |
ShellWindowNavigate32 | Shell Window Navigate 32 | |
ShellWindowNavigate33 | Shell Window Navigate 33 | |
OBSDoFind | Object Browser command id: Do Find | |
OBSMatchCase | Object Browser command id: Match case | |
OBSMatchSubString | Object Browser command id: Match Substring | |
OBSMatchWholeWord | Object Browser command id: Match Whole Word | |
OBSMatchPrefix | Object Browser command id: Match Prefix | |
BuildSln | Build solution | |
RebuildSln | Rebuild Solution. | |
DeploySln | Build command: Deploy Solution | |
CleanSln | Build command id: Clean Solution | |
BuildSel | Build selection | |
RebuildSel | Rebuild Selection | |
DeploySel | Build command: Deploy Selection | |
CleanSel | Build command: Clean Selection | |
CancelBuild | Cancel build | |
BatchBuildDlg | Batch Build Dialog | |
BuildCtx | Build control | |
RebuildCtx | Rebuild Control | |
DeployCtx | Build command: Deploy Control | |
CleanCtx | Build command: Clean context | |
QryManageIndexes | Manage Query Indexes | |
PrintDefault | Command id: Print Default (quick print) | |
BrowseDoc | Browse document | |
ShowStartPage | Show Start Page | |
MRUFile1 | Command id:most recently used file 1 | |
MRUFile2 | Command id:most recently used file 2 | |
MRUFile3 | Command id:most recently used file 3 | |
MRUFile4 | Command id:most recently used file 4 | |
MRUFile5 | Command id:most recently used file 5 | |
MRUFile6 | Command id:most recently used file 6 | |
MRUFile7 | Command id:most recently used file 7 | |
MRUFile8 | Command id:most recently used file 8 | |
MRUFile9 | Command id:most recently used file 9 | |
MRUFile10 | Command id:most recently used file 10 | |
MRUFile11 | Command id:most recently used file 11 | |
MRUFile12 | Command id:most recently used file 12 | |
MRUFile13 | Command id:most recently used file 13 | |
MRUFile14 | Command id:most recently used file 14 | |
MRUFile15 | Command id:most recently used file 15 | |
MRUFile16 | Command id:most recently used file 16 | |
MRUFile17 | Command id:most recently used file 17 | |
MRUFile18 | Command id:most recently used file 18 | |
MRUFile19 | Command id:most recently used file 19 | |
MRUFile20 | Command id:most recently used file 20 | |
MRUFile21 | Command id:most recently used file 21 | |
MRUFile22 | Command id:most recently used file 22 | |
MRUFile23 | Command id:most recently used file 23 | |
MRUFile24 | Command id:most recently used file 24 | |
MRUFile25 | Command id:most recently used file 25 | |
ExtToolsCurPath | External Tools context menu command: Current Path | |
ExtToolsCurDir | External Tools context menu command: Current Directory | |
ExtToolsCurFileName | External Tools context menu command: Current Filename | |
ExtToolsCurExtension | External Tools context menu command: Current Extension | |
ExtToolsProjDir | External Tools context menu command: Current Project Directory | |
ExtToolsProjFileName | External Tools context menu command: Current Project Filename | |
ExtToolsSlnDir | External Tools context menu command: Solution Directory | |
ExtToolsSlnFileName | External Tools context menu command: Solution Filename | |
GotoDefn | Object browser / Class View command: Go to Definition | |
GotoDecl | Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Go to Declaration | |
BrowseDefn | Object browser / Class View command: Browse Definition | |
SyncClassView | Object browser / Class View command: Sync Class View | |
ShowMembers | Object browser/ Class View command: Show Members | |
ShowBases | Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Show Bases | |
ShowDerived | Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Show Derived | |
ShowDefns | Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Show Definitions | |
ShowRefs | Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Show References | |
ShowCallers | Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Show Callers | |
ShowCallees | Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Show Callees | |
AddClass | Add a class. | |
AddNestedClass | Add Nested Class | |
AddInterface | Add Interface | |
AddMethod | Add Method | |
AddProperty | Add Property | |
AddEvent | Add an event. | |
AddVariable | Add Variable | |
ImplementInterface | Implement Interface | |
Override | Override | |
AddFunction | Add a function. | |
AddConnectionPoint | Add a connection point. | |
AddIndexer | Add an indexer. | |
BuildOrder | Build order | |
OBShowHidden | Object Browser command id: Show Hidden | |
OBEnableGrouping | Object Browser command: Enable Grouping | |
OBSetGroupingCriteria | Object Browser command id: Set Grouping Criteria | |
OBBack | Object Browser command: Back | |
OBForward | Object Browser command: Forward | |
OBShowPackages | Object Browser command id: Show Packages | |
OBSearchCombo | Object Browser command id: Search Combo | |
OBSearchOptWholeWord | Object Browser command id: Search Whole Word option | |
OBSearchOptSubstring | Object Browser command id: Search substring option | |
OBSearchOptPrefix | Object Browser command id: Search prefix option | |
OBSearchOptCaseSensitive | Object Browser command id: Case-sensitive search | |
CVGroupingNone | Class View command: No Grouping | |
CVGroupingSortOnly | Class View command: Sort Only Grouping | |
CVGroupingGrouped | Class View command: Grouped | |
CVShowPackages | Class View command: Show Packages | |
CVNewFolder | Class View command: New Folder | |
CVGroupingSortAccess | Class View command: Group by Access | |
ObjectSearch | Object Search | |
ObjectSearchResults | Object Search Results | |
Build1 | Build cascade menus: Build 1 | |
Build2 | Build cascade menus: Build 2 | |
Build3 | Build cascade menus: Build 3 | |
Build4 | Build cascade menus: Build 4 | |
Build5 | Build cascade menus: Build 5 | |
Build6 | Build cascade menus: Build 6 | |
Build7 | Build cascade menus: Build 7 | |
Build8 | Build cascade menus: Build 8 | |
Build9 | Build cascade menus: Build 9 | |
BuildLast | Build last | |
Rebuild1 | Rebuild 1 | |
Rebuild2 | Rebuild 2 | |
Rebuild3 | Rebuild 3 | |
Rebuild4 | Rebuild 4 | |
Rebuild5 | Rebuild 5 | |
Rebuild6 | Rebuild 6 | |
Rebuild7 | Rebuild 7 | |
Rebuild8 | Rebuild 8 | |
Rebuild9 | Rebuild 9 | |
RebuildLast | Rebuild Last | |
Clean1 | Build command: Clean 1 | |
Clean2 | Build command: Clean 2 | |
Clean3 | Build command: Clean 3 | |
Clean4 | Build command: Clean 4 | |
Clean5 | Build command: Clean 5 | |
Clean6 | Build command: Clean 6 | |
Clean7 | Build command: Clean 7 | |
Clean8 | Build command: Clean 8 | |
Clean9 | Build command: Clean 9 | |
CleanLast | Build command: Clean Last | |
Deploy1 | Build command: Deploy 1 | |
Deploy2 | Build command: Deploy 2 | |
Deploy3 | Build command: Deploy 3 | |
Deploy4 | Build command: Deploy 4 | |
Deploy5 | Build command: Deploy 5 | |
Deploy6 | Build command: Deploy 6 | |
Deploy7 | Build command: Deploy 7 | |
Deploy8 | Build command: Deploy 8 | |
Deploy9 | Build command: Deploy 9 | |
DeployLast | Build command: Deploy Last | |
BuildProjPicker | Build project pickre | |
RebuildProjPicker | Rebuild Project Picker | |
CleanProjPicker | Build command: Clean Project Picker | |
DeployProjPicker | Build command: Deploy Project Picker | |
ResourceView | Resource View | |
ShowHomePage | Show Home Page | |
EditMenuIDs | Edit Menu IDs | |
LineBreak | Break Line | |
CPPIdentifier | C++ identifier | |
QuotedString | Quoted String | |
SpaceOrTab | Space or Tab | |
Integer | Integer | |
CustomizeToolbars | Customize toolbars | |
MoveToTop | Move To Top | |
WindowHelp | Window Help | |
ViewPopup | View Popup | |
CheckMnemonics | Check mnemonics | |
PRSortAlphabeticaly | Sort Properties Alphabetically. Note: "Alphabeticaly" is misspelled in enumeration member. | |
PRSortByCategory | Sort Properties by Category | |
ViewNextTab | View Next Tab | |
CheckForUpdates | Check for updates | |
Browser1 | Browser 1 | |
Browser2 | Browser 2 | |
Browser3 | Browser 3 | |
Browser4 | Browser 4 | |
Browser5 | Browser 5 | |
Browser6 | Browser 6 | |
Browser7 | Browser 7 | |
Browser8 | Browser 8 | |
Browser9 | Browser 9 | |
Browser10 | Browser 10 | |
Browser11 | Browser 11 | |
OpenDropDownOpen | Open Drop Down Open | |
OpenDropDownOpenWith | Open Drop Down With | |
ToolsDebugProcesses | Debug Process | |
PaneNextSubPane | Next Sub Pane | |
PanePrevSubPane | Previous Sub Pane | |
MoveFileToProject1 | Move File to Project 1 | |
MoveFileToProject2 | Move File to Project 2 | |
MoveFileToProject3 | Move File to Project 3 | |
MoveFileToProject4 | Move File to Project 4 | |
MoveFileToProject5 | Move File to Project 5 | |
MoveFileToProject6 | Move File to Project 6 | |
MoveFileToProject7 | Move File to Project 7 | |
MoveFileToProject8 | Move File to Project 8 | |
MoveFileToProject9 | Move File to Project 9 | |
MoveFileToProjectLast | Move File to Project Last | |
MoveFileToProjectPick | Move File to Project Pick | |
DefineSubset | Define subset | |
SubsetCombo | Subset Combo | |
SubsetGetList | Subset Get List | |
OBSortObjectsAlpha | Object Browser command id: Sort Objects Alphabetically | |
OBSortObjectsType | Object Browser command id: Sort Objects by Type | |
OBSortObjectsAccess | Object Browser command id: Sort by Object Access | |
OBGroupObjectsType | Object Browser command Group Objects by Type. | |
OBGroupObjectsAccess | Object Browser command: Group Object by Access | |
OBSortMembersAlpha | Object Browser command id: Sort Members Alphabetically | |
OBSortMembersType | Object Browser command id: Sort by Member Type | |
OBSortMembersAccess | Object Browser command id: Sort by Member Access | |
PopBrowseContext | Pop Browse Context | |
GotoRef | Go to Reference | |
OBSLookInReferences | Object Browser command id: Look in References | |
ExtToolsTargetPath | External Tools context menu command: Target Path | |
ExtToolsTargetDir | External Tools context menu command: Target Directory | |
ExtToolsTargetFileName | External Tools context menu command: Target Filename | |
ExtToolsTargetExtension | External Tools context menu command: Target Extension | |
ExtToolsCurLine | External Tools context menu command: Current Line | |
ExtToolsCurCol | External Tools context menu command: Current Column | |
ExtToolsCurText | External Tools context menu command: Current Text | |
BrowseNext | Browse next | |
BrowsePrev | Browse previous | |
BrowseUnload | Browse unload | |
QuickObjectSearch | Quick Object Search | |
ExpandAll | Expand All | |
ExtToolsBinDir | External Tools context menu command: Bin Directory | |
BookmarkWindow | Bookmark Window | |
CodeExpansionWindow | Code Expansion Window | |
NextDocumentNav | Navigate to Next Document | |
PrevDocumentNav | Navigate to Previous Document | |
ForwardBrowseContext | Forward browse context | |
StandardMax | Standard Maximum | |
FindReferences | Find references | |
FormsFirst | First Forms | |
FormsLast | Last Forms | |
VBEFirst | VB Editor First | |
Zoom200 | Zoom Factor 200% | |
Zoom150 | Zoom Factor 150% | |
Zoom100 | Zoom Factor 100% | |
Zoom75 | Zoom Factor 75% | |
Zoom50 | Zoom Factor 50% | |
Zoom25 | Zoom Factor 25% | |
Zoom10 | Zoom Factor 10% | |
VBELast | VB Editor Last | |
SterlingFirst | ||
SterlingLast | ||
uieventidFirst | First UI Event ID | |
uieventidSelectRegion | Select UI Event ID Region | |
uieventidDrop | Drop UI Event ID | |
uieventidLast | Last UI Event ID |