
Internet Explorer Mobile Application Development


Internet Explorer Mobile is a full-featured Internet browser that is optimized for devices with small, vertically oriented displays and for cached or customized content. HTML functionality for the mobile Internet browser includes support for tables, forms, and frames. A fit-to-screen option dynamically resizes Web pages to maximize viewing on handheld devices without requiring a user to scroll across a page. A Zoom menu option allows for a user to view text on the screen in different sizes.


If a form submission results in a file download and it is interrupted, the download will not resume if the form post data is greater than 2048 bytes.

Automatic state detection determines whether the device is connected to the Internet. If the device is not connected to the Internet, automatic state detection diverts the browser to a cached version of the Web page. On Windows Mobile devices that include Microsoft ActiveSync, users can update their cached Web pages automatically by designating a Web page that is displayed on their desktop computer as a Mobile Favorite. Then, when they synchronize their devices to their desktop computer, current versions of those pages are downloaded to the mobile Internet browser.

In This Section

  • Creating HTML Control
    Provides general information about the HTML control and a code example that uses the control
  • Internet Explorer Mobile
    Provides links to topics that contain information about Internet Explorer Mobile for Windows Mobile devices