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BufferedMediaTypeFormatter |
Represents a helper class to allow a synchronous formatter on top of the asynchronous formatter infrastructure. |
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ContentNegotiationResult |
Represents the result of content negotiation performed using <see cref="M:System.Net.Http.Formatting.IContentNegotiator.Negotiate(System.Type,System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Net.Http.Formatting.MediaTypeFormatter})" /> |
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DefaultContentNegotiator |
The default implementation of IContentNegotiator, which is used to select a MediaTypeFormatter for an HttpRequestMessage or HttpResponseMessage. |
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DelegatingEnumerable<T> |
Helper class to serialize <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1" /> types by delegating them through a concrete implementation."/>. |
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FormDataCollection |
Represent the collection of form data. |
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FormUrlEncodedMediaTypeFormatter |
MediaTypeFormatter class for handling HTML form URL-ended data, also known as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. |
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JsonMediaTypeFormatter |
Represents the MediaTypeFormatter class to handle JSON. |
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MediaTypeFormatter |
Base class to handle serializing and deserializing strongly-typed objects using ObjectContent. |
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MediaTypeFormatterCollection |
Represents a collection class that contains MediaTypeFormatter instances. |
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MediaTypeFormatterExtensions |
Represents extensions for adding MediaTypeMapping items to a MediaTypeFormatter. |
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MediaTypeFormatterMatch |
This class describes how well a particular MediaTypeFormatter matches a request. |
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MediaTypeMapping |
An abstract base class used to create an association between HttpRequestMessage or HttpResponseMessage instances that have certain characteristics and a specific MediaTypeHeaderValue. |
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QueryStringMapping |
Class that provides MediaTypeHeaderValues from query strings. |
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RequestHeaderMapping |
This class provides a mapping from an arbitrary HTTP request header field to a MediaTypeHeaderValue used to select MediaTypeFormatter instances for handling the entity body of an HttpRequestMessage or HttpResponseMessage. <remarks>This class only checks header fields associated with Headers() for a match. It does not check header fields associated with Headers() or Headers() instances.</remarks> |
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UriPathExtensionMapping |
Provides MediaTypeHeaderValues from path extensions appearing in a Uri. |
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XmlHttpRequestHeaderMapping |
A RequestHeaderMapping that maps the X-Requested-With http header field set by AJAX XmlHttpRequest (XHR) to the media type application/json if no explicit Accept header fields are present in the request. |
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XmlMediaTypeFormatter |
MediaTypeFormatter class to handle Xml. |