

A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


This enumeration contains elements that are used to provide information about image codecs.


enum ImageCodecFlags {
  ImageCodecFlagsEncoder        = 0x00000001,
  ImageCodecFlagsDecoder        = 0x00000002,
  ImageCodecFlagsSupportBitmap  = 0x00000004,
  ImageCodecFlagsSupportVector  = 0x00000008,
  ImageCodecFlagsSeekableEncode = 0x00000010,
  ImageCodecFlagsBlockingDecode = 0x00000020,
  ImageCodecFlagsBuiltin        = 0x00010000,
  ImageCodecFlagsSystem         = 0x00020000,
  ImageCodecFlagsUser           = 0x00040000


  • ImageCodecFlagsEncoder
    Indicates that the image codec can encode image data.
  • ImageCodecFlagsDecoder
    Indicates that the image codec can decode image data.
  • ImageCodecFlagsSupportBitmap
    Indicates that the image codec supports bitmap images.
  • ImageCodecFlagsSupportVector
    Indicates that the image codec supports scaleable images.
  • ImageCodecFlagsSeekableEncode
    Indicates that the image codec requires a seekable output stream.
  • ImageCodecFlagsBlockingDecode
    Indicates that the image codec can exhibit blocking behavior during decoding.
  • ImageCodecFlagsBuiltin
    Indicates that the image codec is built into the imaging library.
  • ImageCodecFlagsSystem
    Indicates that the codec is registered in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch of the registry and is therefore available to all users.
  • ImageCodecFlagsUser
    Indicates that the codec is registered in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER branch of the registry and is therefore only available to the current user.


Header imaging.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also


Imaging Enumerations