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This function enables an application to verify that an object has the required rights before it uses FDRM-protected content.

HRESULT FileDrmVerifyRights (
  HWND hwndParent,
  LPCTSTR pszFileName,
  DWORD dwRight,
  DWORD dwFlags,
  PDWORD pdwRightsStatus


  • hwndParent
    [in] Handle to the window that owns any UI elements such as windows, dialog boxes, or message boxes displayed by this function.

  • pszFileName
    [in] Path to the file that contains the FDRM-protected content.

  • dwRight
    [in] The FDRM right to be used when opening the FDRM-protected content. This is the right specified by the application. Use the bitmask to specify only one right at a time. The following table shows the possible values for dwRight.

    Flag Bitmask Description
    FDRRF_PLAY 0x00000001 Play audio/video content.
    FDRRF_DISPLAY 0x00000002 Display images.
    FDRRF_EXECUTE 0x00000004 Execute applications.
    FDRRF_PRINT 0x00000008 Print content.
    FDRRF_FORWARD 0x00000010 Content can be forwarded.
  • dwFlags
    [in] Flags to control the behavior of FDRM_VerifyRights. This is a bitmask of FDRVF_* flag values. The following table shows the possible values for dwFlags.

    Flag Bit mask Description
    FDRVF_NOUI 0x00000001 Do not display any UI.

    This enables the calling application to ensure that this call will not block waiting for user input.

    FDRVF_NORENEW 0x00000002 No rights renewal.

    Does not attempt to update the rights associated with a piece of content, either through user interaction or automatically.

    FDRVF_VERIFY_CONTINUE 0x00000004 Verify the continued use of the content.

    Specified when FileDrmCommitRights has been called and returned success for a piece of content and the consuming application of the content is still consuming the same instance of the content but needs to re-verify rights. For example, a media player might begin playing a song but be interrupted by a phone call. Once the phone call is completed the media player will call FileDrmVerifyRights to verify that it still has rights to continue playing that content. This flag may allow content to continue being used even if there are no longer valid rights. For example, if the content has restrictions on the number of times it can be used, and that usage count went to zero in the last call to FileDrmCommitRights, then the user should still be allowed to use that content until is has been completely consumed.

  • pdwRightsStatus
    [out] Status of rights. The following table shows the possible values for dwRight.

    Flag Bitmask Description
    FDRVS_USER_CAN_UPDATE 0x00000001 Rights are invalid but the user can update them.
    FDRVS_UPDATE_PENDING 0x00000002 A rights update is pending.

Return Values

This function can return any HRESULT and the application should use the SUCCEEDED and FAILED macros to check the results. The following table shows additional HRESULT values that may be returned.

Value Description
S_FDRM_NOPROVIDER Success, but no FDRM provider found.
S_FDRM_NOTDRMOBJECT Success, but the target is not a FDRM object.
E_FDRM_FILEDELETED Unable to verify rights. The file is deleted.
E_FDRM_CANCELLED Unable to verify rights. The operation is cancelled.
E_FDRM_LICENSEPENDING Unable to verify rights. The license is pending.
E_FDRM_NOTALLOWED Unable to verify rights. The operation not allowed.


Before an application can use FDRM-protected content it must call this function to ensure that the object can be used as intended. This function verifies that the object has the appropriate rights and, if necessary, prompts the user to verify that they want to consume rights or renew expired rights.

Note   When you use the FDRM API in a DSHOW filter you must have the FDRVF_NOUI flag specified when you call the FileDrmVerifyRights function.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later
Smartphone: Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later.
Header: FDRM.h.
Link Library: Aygshell.lib.

See Also

FDRM API Reference | FDRM Functions | FileDrmVerifyRightsEx

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