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This structure provides information about a connection request.

typedef struct {
  DWORD cbSize;
  DWORD dwParams;
  DWORD dwFlags;
  DWORD dwPriority;
  BOOL bExclusive;
  GUID guidDestNet;
  HWND hWnd;
  UINT uMsg;
  LPARAM lParam;
  ULONG ulMaxCost;
  ULONG ulMinRcvBw;
  ULONG ulMaxConnLatency


  • cbSize
    Size of this structure.

  • dwParams
    Specifies valid parameters. Can be one or more of the Connection Manager parameter constants. For details, see Connection Manager Parameter Constants.

  • dwFlags
    Specifies connection flags. Can be one or more of the Connection Manager proxy flag constants or the Connection Manager control flag constants. For details, see Connection Manager Proxy Flag Constants and Connection Manager Control Flag Constants..

    This member allows Connection Planner to use various types of proxies when determining the best path to the destination network. Specifying a proxy will not negatively impact an application running on a device with no proxies established.

  • dwPriority
    Specifies priority. Can be one of the Connection Manager priority constants. For details, see Connection Manager Priority Constants.

  • bExclusive
    Specifies whether the connection is exclusive or not. If this parameter is TRUE, this connection cannot be shared with other applications, no other applications are notified, and any application requesting a connection to the same network is treated as a contender for the same resource and is not permitted to share the existing connection. A decision is made between this connection and the others based on connection priority. If this parameter is FALSE, the connection is shared among all applications and other applications with an interest in a connection to this network are notified that the connection is available.

  • bDisabled
    Specifies whether the connection is disabled or not. If this parameter is TRUE, Connection Manager determines whether a connection can be made, although the ability to connect is disabled. When Connection Manager reaches the point when it would normally establish a connection, it sets the connection status to CONNMGR_STATUS_CONNECTIONDISABLED.

  • guidDestNet
    Specifies the GUID of network to which to connect.

  • hWnd
    Optional window handle to which Connection Manager posts status change messages. If this member is 0, Connection Manager does not post status messages to a window. Regardless of the value of this member, an application can always call ConnMgrConnectionStatus to retrieve the current status of a connection.

  • uMsg
    Specifies the message to use to post status changes.

  • lParam
    Value placed into the lParam field of the message when posting status changes to a window.

  • ulMaxCost
    Specifies the maximum acceptable cost of connection. If this optional member is valid, then the dwFlags member will contain CONNMGR_PARAM_MAXCOST.

  • ulMinRcvBw
    The minimum acceptable reception bandwidth of the connection. If this optional member is valid, then the dwFlags member will contain CONNMGR_PARAM_MINRCVBW.

  • ulMaxConnLatency
    The maximum acceptable connection latency. If this optional member is valid, then the dwFlags member will contain CONNMGR_PARAM_MAXCONNLATENCY.


Each CONNMGR_FLAG_PROXY_* flag in dwFlags means that connection can be specified by configuring an appropriate proxy server (for example, HTTP). This value is appropriate for Microsoft Internet Explorer and other HTTP-based protocols, including HTTP-DAV synchronization. If none of these flags are specified, only a direct IP connection (or tunnel) is attempted.

Connection Manager arbitrates among multiple connections, satisfying as many as possible at a time but giving preference to higher priority connection types.

There are four GUID values for the default networks on the device; these values are defined in the Connmgr.h header file.

Value Description
IID_DestNetCorp The GUID for the corporate network.
IID_DestNetInternet The GUID for the Internet.
IID_DestNetSecureWAP The GUID for the secure WAP network.
IID_DestNetWAP The GUID for the WAP network.

Before referencing any of these GUID values, #define INITGUID must be provided before the Connmgr.h header file is included.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Connmgr.h.

See Also

Connection Manager Parameter Constants | Connection Manager Proxy Flag Constants | Connection Manager Priority Constants

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