
State and Notifications Broker Base Properties

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The following table shows the base State and Notification properties defined in the .Net Compact Framework.

.NET Compact Framework Identifier Description .NET Compact Framework Type
ActiveApplication Name of the application that was previously active and the name of the application that is currently active, separated by the esc (0x1b) char. String
ActiveSyncStatus ActiveSync status. ActiveSyncStatus
CalendarAppointment Current calendar appointment. Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.Appointment
CalendarAppointmentBusyStatus Current calendar appointment busy status. Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.BusyStatus
CalendarAppointmentCategories Current calendar appoinment categories. string
CalendarAppointmentEndTime Current calendar appointment end time. DateTime
CalendarAppointmentHasConflict Current calendar appointment has conflict. If there is a conflict, use 1 (one), otherwise use 0 (zero). bool
CalendarAppointmentLocation Location of current calendar appointment. string
CalendarAppointmentStartTime Current calendar appointment start time. DateTime
CalendarAppointmentSubject Subject of current calendar appointment. string
CalendarEvent Current "All Day Event" Calendar appointment. Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.Appointment
CalendarEventBusyStatus User's availability (free/busy status) for the current "All Day Event". Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.BusyStatus
CalendarEventCategories Categories for the current "All Day Event". string
CalendarEventEndTime Ending time of the current "All Day Event" Calendar appointment. This will be the ending day of a Calendar appointment Event that spans multiple days. DateTime
CalendarEventHasConflict Whether the user's availability (free/busy) status conflicts with the current "All Day Event". bool
CalendarEventLocation Location of the current "All Day Event" Calendar appointment. string
CalendarEventStartTime Starting time of the current "All Day Event" Calendar appointment. This will be the starting day of a Calendar appointment Event that spans multiple days. DateTime
CalendarEventSubject Subject of the current "All Day Event" Calendar appointment. string
CalendarEventSubject Name of the next all-day event. string
CalendarHomeScreenAppointment Calendar home screen appointment. Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.Appointment
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentBusyStatus Calendar home screen appointment busy status. Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.BusyStatus
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentCategories Calendar home screen appointment categories. string
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentEndTime Calendar home screen appointment end time. DateTime
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentHasConflict Calendar home screen appointment conflict. bool
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentLocation Calendar home screen appointment location. string
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentStartTime Calendar home screen appointment start time. DateTime
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentSubject Calendard home screen subject. string
CalendarNextAppointment Next calendar appointment. Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.Appointment
CalendarNextAppointmentBusyStatus Free or busy status for the next appointment. Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.BusyStatus
CalendarNextAppointmentCategories Next calendar appointment categories. string
CalendarNextAppointmentEnd Ending time of the next Calendar appointment. DateTime
CalendarNextAppointmentHasConflict Whether there is a conflict with the next Calendar appointment. bool
CalendarNextAppointmentLocation Location of the next Calendar appointment. string
CalendarNextAppointmentStart Starting time of the next Calendar appointment. DateTime
CalendarNextAppointmentSubject Subject of the next Calendar appointment. string
CameraPresent Camera is attached and enabled. bool
CarKitPresent Car kit presence. bool
ConnectionsBluetoothCount Number of Bluetooth connections that are currently connected. This property is not available on Smartphone and is Pocket PC-only. Int32
ConnectionsBluetoothDescriptions Semicolon-delimited string containing the description of each of the Bluetooth connections. This property is not available on Smartphone and is Pocket PC-only. string
ConnectionsCellularCount Number of cellular connections that are currently connected. Int32
ConnectionsCellularDescriptions Semicolon-delimited string containing the description of each cellular connection. string
ConnectionsCount Number of connections that are currently connected Int32
ConnectionsDesktopCount Number of desktop connections that are currently connected. Int32
ConnectionsDesktopDescriptions Semicolon-delimited string containing the description of each desktop connection. string
ConnectionsModemCount Number of modem connections that are currently connected. Int32
ConnectionsModemDescriptions Semicolon-delimited string containing the description of each modem connection. string
ConnectionsNetworkAdapters Semicolon-delimited string containing the adapter name of each network connection. string
ConnectionsNetworkCount Number of network connections that are currently connected. Int32
ConnectionsNetworkDescriptions Semicolon-delimited string containing the description of each network connection. If the connection is to a Wi-Fi network, then the description will contain the name of the service set identifier (SSID) used to connect to the network. string
ConnectionsProxyCount Number of network connections that are currently connected. Int32
ConnectionsProxyDescriptions Semicolon-delimited string containing the description of each proxy connection. string
ConnectionsUnknownCount Number of connections of unknown type that are currently connected. Int32
ConnectionsUnknownDescriptions Semicolon-delimited string containing the description of each connections of unknown type. string
ConnectionsVpnCount Number of virtual private network connections that are currently connected. Int32
ConnectionsVpnDescriptions Semicolon-delimited string containing the description of each virtual private network connection. string
CradlePresent Device is connected to a cradle. bool
Date Gets the current date. This Date/Time value changes once per day. Monitor this property to perform actions on a daily basis. Do not use Date to get an accurate clock time; instead, use Time. DateTime
DisplayRotation Orientation of the display, specified as the number of degrees, ranging from 0 to 360. Portrait = 0. Right-Handed Landscape = 90. Left-Handed Landscape = -90 or 270. int
HeadsetPresent Headset presence. bool
KeyboardPresent Keyboard is attached and enabled. bool
MediaPlayerAlbumArtist Album artist's name of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player. string
MediaPlayerAlbumTitle Album title of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player. string
MediaPlayerTrackArtist Name of the artist for the current track. string
MediaPlayerTrackBitrate Bitrate of the track currently playing in Windows Media Player. For example, "128Kbps." string
MediaPlayerTrackGenre Genre of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player. string
MediaPlayerTrackNumber Number of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player. string
MediaPlayerTrackTimeElapsed Elapsed time (in milliseconds) of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player. int
MediaPlayerTrackTitle Title of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player. string
MessagingActiveSyncAccountName Name of the Outlook e-mail messaging account. string
MessagingActiveSyncEmailUnread Number of unread ActiveSync e-mail messages. int
MessagingLastEmailAccountName Name of the e-mail account that was last active. string
MessagingMmsAccountName Name of the MMS messaging account. string
MessagingMmsUnread Number of unread MMS messages. int
MessagingOtherEmailUnread Number of unread e-mail messages for all non-ActiveSync messaging accounts. Int32
MessagingSmsAccountName Name of the Short Message Service (SMS) messaging account. string
MessagingSmsUnread Number of unread Short Message Service (SMS) messages. int
MessagingTotalEmailUnread Number of unread e-mail messages from all POP3 and IMAP accounts. int
MessagingVoiceMail1Unread Number of voice mail messages for line 1 not yet played. int
MessagingVoiceMail2Unread Number of voice mail messages for line 2 not yet played. int
MessagingVoiceMailTotalUnread Total number of voice mail messages not yet played. int
OwnerEmail Windows Mobile-based device owner e-mail address. string
OwnerName Windows Mobile-based device owner name. string
OwnerNotes Windows Mobile-based device owner notes string
OwnerPhoneNumber Windows Mobile-based device owner phone number. string
Phone1xRttCoverage Phone currently has 1xRTT coverage. bool
PhoneActiveCallCount Number of currently active phone calls. int
PhoneActiveDataCall Whether the phone has an active cellular data connection. bool
PhoneBlockedSim Blocked Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). bool
PhoneCallBarring Phone call blocking is enabled. bool
PhoneCallCalling Whether the phone is currently attempting to connect an outgoing call. bool
PhoneCallForwardingOnLine1 Call forwarding enabled on line 1. bool
PhoneCallForwardingOnLine2 Phone call forwarding is enabled on line 2. bool
PhoneCallOnHold Whether a phone Call is currently on hold. bool
PhoneCallTalking Gets a value indicating whether there is currently a phone call in the talking state. bool
PhoneCellBroadcast Phone cell broadcast. string
PhoneConferenceCall Conference call is currently in progress. bool
PhoneGprsCoverage Phone currently has GPRS coverage. bool
PhoneHomeService Phone is currently registered on its home network. bool
PhoneIncomingCall Incoming phone call. bool
PhoneIncomingCallerContact Contact that matches the Caller ID for the current incoming caller. Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.Contact
PhoneIncomingCallerContactPropertyID CEPROPID of the property that matches the Caller ID for the current incoming caller, for example, PIMPR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. int
PhoneIncomingCallerContactPropertyName Name of the property that matches the current caller's Caller ID, such as "h" for "Home Telephone". string
PhoneIncomingCallerName Name of current incoming caller. string
PhoneIncomingCallerNumber Incoming caller number (Caller ID). string
PhoneInvalidSim Invalid phone Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). bool
PhoneLastIncomingCallerContact Contact that matches the Caller ID for the last incoming caller. Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.Contact
PhoneLastIncomingCallerContactPropertyID CEPROPID of the property that matches the Caller ID for the last incoming caller, for example, PIMPR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER. int
PhoneLastIncomingCallerContactPropertyName Name of the property that matches the last caller's Caller ID, such as "h" for "Home Telephone". string
PhoneLastIncomingCallerName Name of last caller to place an incoming call. string
PhoneLastIncomingCallerNumber Last incoming caller number (Caller ID). string
PhoneLine1Selected Phone line 1 is selected. bool
PhoneLine2Selected Phone line 2 is selected. bool
PhoneMissedCall Missed phone call. bool
PhoneMissedCalls Number of missed calls. int
PhoneMultiLine Multi-line support. bool
PhoneNoService Phone not currently connected to a cellular network. bool
PhoneNoSim No phone Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). bool
PhoneOperatorName Name of the mobile operator. string
PhoneProfile Current profile. string
PhoneProfileName Gets the localized name of the current sound profile. (Smartphone only) string
PhoneRadioOff Phone radio is turned off. bool
PhoneRadioPresent Whether the Windows Mobile-based device has a phone. bool
PhoneRingerOff Phone ringer is off (returns False if the phone is set to ring and or vibrate). bool
PhoneRoaming Phone is currently in roaming mode. bool
PhoneSearchingForService Phone is currently searching for phone service. bool
PhoneSignalStrength Phone signal strength, expressed as a percentage of full strength. int
PhoneSimFull Phone Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) status. bool
PhoneTalkingCallerContact Caller contact of the current caller talking on the phone. Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.Contact
PhoneTalkingCallerContactPropertyID Contact property ID of the current caller talking on the phone. int
PhoneTalkingCallerContactPropertyName Contact property name of the current caller talking on the phone. string
PhoneTalkingCallerName Caller name. This value is not set when the caller is in a conference call. string
PhoneTalkingCallerNumber Phone number of the current caller talking on the phone. string
PowerBatteryBackupState Current backup battery state (for example, it is low, and charging). This enumeration allows a bitwise combination of its member values. The actual combinations returned depend on the battery driver implementation. BatteryState
PowerBatteryBackupStrength Remaining backup battery power level. BatteryLevel
PowerBatteryState Current battery state (for example, it is low, and charging). This enumeration allows a bitwise combination of its member values. The actual combinations returned depend on the battery driver implementation. BatteryState
PowerBatteryStrength Remaining battery power level. Batterylevel
SpeakerPhoneActive Speaker phone active. bool
TasksActive Number of active tasks. Separate keys with this value exists for each Tasks category. int
TasksDueToday Number of active tasks due today. int
TasksHighPriority Number of currently active high-priority tasks. int
TasksOverdue Number of overdue tasks. int
Time Current time in UTC. This Date/Time value updates once per minute. DateTime

See Also

State and Notifications Broker | State and Notifications Broker Reference | Using the State and Notifications Broker in Native Code | State and Notifications Broker Sample

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