
Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Status Namespace


The Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Status namespace provides classes, delegates, and enumerations that provide access to system properties. You can get and set their values, monitor them, and define programmatic actions to take according to criteria that you define.


Class Description
ChangeEventArgs Arguments used when a Change event occurs.
RegistryState Defines the state of a registry key (that is, the key name, the names of its values, and the data contained in its values).
StateBase The abstract base of a State class. You can use State classes to query system state values, and then be notified when changes occur.
StateException The exception that is thrown when an attempt to change a registry value fails (that is, when Change Registration fails).
SystemState Gives the ability to get the current value of a system state as well as the ability to be notified when that state changes


Delegate Description
ChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Change event.


Enumeration Description
ActiveSyncStatus This enum is used with SystemProperty.ActiveSyncStatus
BatteryLevel This enum is used with SystemProperty.PowerBatteryStrength
BatteryState This enum is used with SystemProperty.PowerBatteryState
StatusComparisonType Specifies the types of comparison operations used in status events.
SystemProperty Specifies the device-wide system properties