
SIM Manager Notifications

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This section lists all of the available notifications within the simmgr.h file. They consist of the various notifications that are passed to the callback. These notifications are sent to all Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Manager clients, including the one that made the change affecting the notification. For example, if a phone book entry is added, all clients, including the one that added the phone book entry, will get a SIM_NOTIFY_PBE_STORED notification.

Name Description
SIM_NOTIFY_CARD_REMOVED SIM card was removed; lpData is NULL.
SIM_NOTIFY_FILE_REFRESH Files on the SIM were refreshed; lpData points to a SIMFILEREFRESH structure.
SIM_NOTIFY_MSG_STORED A message was stored to the SIM; lpData points to a SIMMESSAGECHANGE structure.
SIM_NOTIFY_MSG_DELETED A message was removed from the SIM; lpData points to a SIMMESSAGECHANGE structure.
SIM_NOTIFY_PBE_STORED A phone book entry was stored to the SIM; lpData points to a SIMPBECHANGE structure.
SIM_NOTIFY_PBE_DELETED A phone book entry was removed from the SIM; lpData points to a SIMPBECHANGE structure.
SIM_NOTIFY_MSG_RECEIVED Class 2 Short Message Service (SMS) was sent directly to the SIM; lpData points to a SIMMESSAGECHANGE structure.
SIM_NOTIFY_RADIOOFF The radio has been turned off but AT interpreter is still on; lpData is NULL.
SIM_NOTIFY_RADIOON The radio is present and is now on; lpData is NULL.
SIM_NOTIFY_RADIOPRESENT A radio module or driver was installed; lpData points to a DWORD that is 0 if the radio is OFF, and 1 if the radio is ON.
SIM_NOTIFY_RADIOREMOVED A radio module or driver was removed; lpData is NULL

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