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SIMCALLBACK is the callback function prototype that SIM Manager uses when sending notifications. This function is part of the SIM Manager API set that enables access to information stored on the SIM card.

typedef void (*SIMCALLBACK) (
  DWORD dwNotifyCode,
  const void* pData,
  DWORD dwDataSize,
  DWORD dwParam


  • dwNotifyCode
    A code number that indicates the type of notification received. It can be one of the SIM_NOTIFY_ constants.

    Value Description
    SIM_NOTIFY_CARD_REMOVED SIM card was removed; lpData is NULL.
    SIM_NOTIFY_FILE_REFRESH Files on the SIM were refreshed; lpData points to a SIMFILEREFRESH structure.
    SIM_NOTIFY_MSG_STORED A message was stored to the SIM; lpData points to a SIMMESSAGECHANGE structure.
    SIM_NOTIFY_MSG_DELETED A message was removed from the SIM; lpData points to a SIMMESSAGECHANGE structure.
    SIM_NOTIFY_PBE_STORED A phone book entry was stored to the SIM; lpData points to a SIMPBECHANGE structure.
    SIM_NOTIFY_PBE_DELETED A phone book entry was removed from the SIM; lpData points to a SIMPBECHANGE structure.
    SIM_NOTIFY_MSG_RECEIVED Class 2 Short Message Service (SMS) was sent directly to the SIM; lpData points to a SIMMESSAGECHANGE structure.
    SIM_NOTIFY_RADIOOFF The radio has been turned off but the AT interpreter is still on; lpData is NULL.
    SIM_NOTIFY_RADIOON The radio is present and is now on; lpData is NULL.
    SIM_NOTIFY_RADIOPRESENT A radio module/driver was installed; lpData points to a DWORD that is 0 if the radio is OFF and 1 if the radio is ON.
    SIM_NOTIFY_RADIOREMOVED A radio module/driver has been removed; lpData is NULL.
  • pData
    Points to the data structure that is specific to the notification.

  • dwDataSize
    Size of the data structure in bytes.

  • dwParam
    Parameter argument that is passed to the SimInitialize function.


Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: simmgr.h
Library: cellcore.lib

See Also

SIM Manager Structures

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