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The SBitMaskRestriction structure describes a bitmask restriction, which is used to perform a bitwise AND operation and test the result.


struct { 
  ULONG relBMR; 
  PT_LONG ulPropTag; 
  ULONG ulMask; 
} SBitMaskRestriction; 


  • relBMR
    Relational operator describing how the mask specified in ulMask should be applied to the property tag. Possible values are as follows:


    Perform a bitwise AND operation of the mask in ulMask with the property represented by ulPropTag and test for being equal to zero.


    Perform a bitwise AND operation of the mask in ulMask with the property represented by ulPropTag and test for being not equal to zero.

  • ulPropTag
    Property tag of the property to which the bitmask is applied.

  • ulMask
    Bitmask to apply to the property identified by ulPropTag.


The SBitMaskRestriction structure performs a bitwise AND operation using the bitmask described in the ulMask member and the value of the property described by the ulPropTag member. If the result is zero, BMR_EQZ is satisfied. If the property value has at least one of the same bits set as ulMask, BMR_NEZ is satisfied.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: mapidefs.h

See Also

MAPI Structures | Messaging | SRestriction

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