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The IDccManSink interface is implemented by a desktop client application that needs to be notified by the Windows CE connection manager when a device connects or disconnects.

Note   The IDccManSink interface is designed for event notifications only and is executed by RAPI internal thread. Therefore, you should not make RAPI function calls other than CeRapiInitEx and CeRapiUninit from within the methods of the interface. A RAPI application should only call other RAPI functions from its own thread.

Methods in Vtable Order

IDccManSink methods PPC SP Description
OnLogIpAddr X X Indicates that an Internet Protocol (IP) address has been established for communication between the desktop computer and the Windows CE–based device.
OnLogTerminated X X Indicates that the Windows CE connection manager has been shut down.
OnLogActive X X Indicates that a connection is established between the client application and the connection manager.
OnLogInactive X X Indicates a disconnection, or disconnected state, between the desktop computer and the Windows CE–based device.
OnLogAnswered X X Indicates that the Windows CE connection manager has detected the communications interface.
OnLogListen X X Indicates that a connection is waiting to be established between the desktop computer and the Windows CE–based device.
OnLogDisconnection X X Indicates that the connection manager has terminated the connection between the desktop computer and the Windows CE–based-device.
OnLogError X X Indicates that the connection manager failed to start communications between the desktop computer and the Windows CE–based device.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later
Header: dccole.h

See Also

Remote API Interfaces | IDccManSink2

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