
Control Panel Messages

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The following table shows the Pocket PC messages for Control Panel.

Message Description
CPL_DBLCLK (PPC) Sent to the CPlApplet function when a user taps the icon of a Control Panel application supported by the function.
CPL_EXIT (PPC) Sent to the CPlApplet function before the system releases the DLL that contains the function.
CPL_GETCOUNT (PPC) Sent to the CPlApplet function to retrieve the number of Control Panel applications supported by the function.
CPL_IDNAME (PPC) Sent to the CPlApplet function to retrieve a Control Panel application's unique ID name string.
CPL_INIT (PPC) Sent to the CPlApplet function to prompt it to perform initialization for all Control Panel applications that it supports.
CPL_INQUIRE Not supported in Windows Mobile software. The CPL_NEWINQUIRE message is used instead.
CPL_NEWINQUIRE (PPC) Sent to the CPlApplet function to request information about a Control Panel application that it supports.
CPL_SELECT Do not use. Instead, use the CPL_DBLCLK message.
CPL_STOP Sent to the CPlApplet function for each application it implements to prompt it to close down that application.

See Also

Control Panel Functions | Control Panel Structures

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