
CeGetSpecialFolderPath (RAPI)

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This function retrieves the path to a special shell folder on a remote Microsoft® Windows® CE–based device.

DWORD CeGetSpecialFolderPath( 
  Int nFolder, 
  DWORD nBufferLength, 
  LPWSTR lpBuffer 


  • nFolder
    [in] Value specifying the special shell folder you want. This value can be one of the following.

    Value Description
    CSIDL_APPDATA File system directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific data.
    CSIDL_BITBUCKET File system directory that contains file objects in the user's Recycle Bin. The location of this directory is not in the registry; it is marked with the hidden and system attributes to prevent the user from moving or deleting it. Not valid for Windows CE 5.01 and later.
    CSIDL_CONTROLS Not supported.
    CSIDL_DESKTOP Virtual folder that contains the desktop items. This is the folder at the root of the virtual namespace.
    CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY File system directory used to physically store file objects on the desktop (not to be confused with the desktop folder itself).
    CSIDL_DRIVES My Computer, which is a virtual folder that contains everything on the local computer: storage devices, and printers. The folder may also contain mapped network drives. Not valid for Windows CE 5.01 and later.
    CSIDL_FAVORITES File system directory that serves as a common repository for the user's favorite items.
    CSIDL_FONTS Virtual folder containing fonts.
    CSIDL_NETHOOD Not supported.
    CSIDL_NETWORK Network Neighborhood Folder, which is a virtual folder that represents the top level of the network hierarchy. Not valid for Windows CE 5.01 and later.
    CSIDL_PERSONAL File system directory that serves as a common repository for documents.
    CSIDL_PRINTERS Not supported.
    CSIDL_PROFILE Folder that contains the profile of the user.
    CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES Program files folder.
    CSIDL_PROGRAMS File system directory that contains the user's program groups (which are also file system directories).
    CSIDL_RECENT File system directory that contains the user's most recently used documents.
    CSIDL_SENDTO Not supported.
    CSIDL_STARTMENU File system directory that contains Start menu items.
    CSIDL_STARTUP File system directory that corrsponds to the user's Startup program group. The system starts these programs when a device is powered on.
    CSIDL_TEMPLATES Not supported.
    CSIDL_WINDOWS Windows folder.
  • nBufferLength
    [in] Size of lpBuffer in characters.

  • lpBuffer
    [out] Long pointer to the buffer for the folder path.

Return Values

The length of the returned string indicates success. FALSE indicates a RAPI related failure. To get extended error information, call CeGetLastError and CeRapiGetError.

Note   Do not assume that SHGetSpecialFolderPath sets the last error on failure.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: Rapi.h
Library: Rapi.lib

See Also

Remote API Functions | SHGetSpecialFolderPath

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