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This structure contains information about a database object. This structure is used by the CeSetDatabaseInfo and CeCreateDatabaseEx functions.

typedef struct {
  DWORD dwFlags;
  DWORD dwDbaseType;
  WORD wNumRecords;
  WORD wNumSortOrder;
  DWORD dwSize;
  FILETIME ftLastModified;


  • dwFlags
    This member is one or a combination of the following flags.

    Flag Value Description
    CEDB_VALIDNAME 0x0001 The szDbaseName member is valid and should be used.
    CEDB_VALIDTYPE 0x0002 The dwDbaseType member is valid and should be used.
    CEDB_VALIDSORTSPEC 0x0004 The rgSortSpecs member is valid and should be used.
    CEDB_VALIDMODTIME 0x0008 The ftLastModified member is valid and should be used.
    CEDB_VALIDDBFLAGS 0x0010 This flag should be used in combination with the following flag to set the compression state of the database.
    CEDB_NOCOMPRESS 0x00010000 The database is not compressed. If this flag is used with CeSetDatabaseInfoEx, new or modified records in a compressed database are uncompressed. If this flag is used with CeCreateDatabaseEx, the database is not compressed.

    By default, all databases are compressed. If you want to change the compression, it should be done at creation time.

  • szDbaseName
    Null-terminated string that contains the name of the database. The string can have up to 32 characters, including the terminating null character. This member must be set when used for CeCreateDatabaseEx.

  • dwDbaseType
    Specifies the type identifier for the database.

  • wNumRecords
    Returns the number of records in the database.

  • wNumSortOrder
    Number of sort orders active in the database. Up to four sort orders can be active at a time.

  • dwSize
    Specifies, in bytes, the size of the database.

  • ftLastModified
    Returns the last time this database was modified.

  • rgSortSpecs
    Array containing the sort order descriptions. Only the first n array members are valid, where n is the value specified by the wNumSortOrder member. If no sort orders are specified for CeCreateDatabaseEx or when CEDB_VALIDSORTSPEC is not specified, then a default sort order is assigned to the database.


For Windows CE versions 2.10 and later, dwFlags has additional meaning, but is still compatible with previous versions. The high-order word of dwFlags ** specifies additional database properties.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: Rapitypes.h

See Also

Remote API Structures | CEOIDINFO | CeSetDatabaseInfoEx

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