
Internet Explorer Mobile HTML Objects

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This reference section specifies the dynamic HTML (DHTML) objects — and their properties, events, and methods — that are supported by Windows Mobile-based devices. These objects correspond to Internet Explorer Mobile HTML Elements and can be used for scripting Web page behavior in Internet Explorer Mobile.

The following table shows the Pocket PC HTML objects.

HTML object Description
DIV Specifies a container that renders HTML.
document Represents the HTML document in a given browser window or frame.
form Represents an HTML input form.
frame (PPC) Specifies an individual frame within a FRAMESET HTML object.
FRAMESET (PPC) Specifies a frameset consisting of one or more frames.
history Contains information about the URLs visited by the client.
IMAGE Contains information about the browser.
input type=button Creates a button control object.
input type=checkbox Creates a check box control object.
input type=hidden Transmits information about the client and server interaction.
input type=password Creates a single-line text entry control object and is similar to the text control, except that text is not displayed as a user enters it.
input type=radio Creates a radio button control object.
input type=reset Creates a button object.
input type=submit Creates a button object that, when clicked, submits the form.
input type=text Creates a single-line text entry control object.
link Designates the start or destination of a hypertext link.
location Contains information about the current URL.
navigator Contains information about the browser.
OPTION Denotes one choice in a SELECT element.
screen Contains information about the device screen and rendering capabilities.
SELECT Denotes a list box or drop-down list.
SPAN Specifies an inline text container.
Style Specifies inline styles for a given element.
TEXTAREA Specifies a multiline text input control.
window Represents a window in the browser.

The following table shows the Smartphone HTML objects.

HTML object Description
DIV Specifies a container that renders HTML.
document Represents the HTML document in a given browser window or frame.
form Represents an HTML input form.
history Contains information about the URLs visited by the client.
IMAGE Contains information about the browser.
input type=button Creates a button control object.
input type=checkbox Creates a check box control object.
input type=hidden Transmits information about the client and server interaction.
input type=password Creates a single-line text entry control object and is similar to the text control, except that text is not displayed as a user enters it.
input type=radio Creates a radio button control object.
input type=reset Creates a button object.
input type=submit Creates a button object that, when clicked, submits the form.
input type=text Creates a single-line text entry control object.
link Designates the start or destination of a hypertext link.
location Contains information about the current URL.
navigator Contains information about the browser.
OPTION Denotes one choice in a SELECT element.
screen Contains information about the device screen and rendering capabilities.
SELECT Denotes a list box or drop-down list.
SPAN Specifies an inline text container.
Style Specifies inline styles for a given element.
TEXTAREA Specifies a multiline text input control.
window Represents a window in the browser.

See Also

Internet Explorer Mobile HTML Collections | Internet Explorer Mobile HTML Elements

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