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Specifies that one or more variables that are private to each thread are the subject of a reduction operation at the end of the parallel region.





The operator for the operation to perform on the variables (var) at the end of the parallel region.

One more more variables on which to perform scalar reduction. If more than one variable is specified, separate variable names with a comma.


reduction applies to the following directives:

For more information, see reduction.


// omp_reduction.cpp  
// compile with: /openmp  
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <omp.h>  
#define NUM_THREADS 4  
#define SUM_START   1  
#define SUM_END     10  
#define FUNC_RETS   {1, 1, 1, 1, 1}  
int bRets[5] = FUNC_RETS;  
int nSumCalc = ((SUM_START + SUM_END) * (SUM_END - SUM_START + 1)) / 2;  
int func1( ) {return bRets[0];}  
int func2( ) {return bRets[1];}  
int func3( ) {return bRets[2];}  
int func4( ) {return bRets[3];}  
int func5( ) {return bRets[4];}  
int main( )   
    int nRet = 0,   
        nCount = 0,   
        nSum = 0,   
        bSucceed = 1;  
    #pragma omp parallel reduction(+ : nCount)  
        nCount += 1;  
        #pragma omp for reduction(+ : nSum)  
        for (i = SUM_START ; i <= SUM_END ; ++i)  
            nSum += i;  
        #pragma omp sections reduction(&& : bSucceed)  
            #pragma omp section  
                bSucceed = bSucceed && func1( );  
            #pragma omp section  
                bSucceed = bSucceed && func2( );  
            #pragma omp section  
                bSucceed = bSucceed && func3( );  
            #pragma omp section  
                bSucceed = bSucceed && func4( );  
            #pragma omp section  
                bSucceed = bSucceed && func5( );  
    printf_s("The parallel section was executed %d times "  
             "in parallel.\n", nCount);  
    printf_s("The sum of the consecutive integers from "  
             "%d to %d, is %d\n", 1, 10, nSum);  
    if (bSucceed)  
        printf_s("All of the the functions, func1 through "  
                 "func5 succeeded!\n");  
        printf_s("One or more of the the functions, func1 "  
                 "through func5 failed!\n");  
    if (nCount != NUM_THREADS)   
        printf_s("ERROR: For %d threads, %d were counted!\n",   
                 NUM_THREADS, nCount);  
        nRet |= 0x1;  
    if (nSum != nSumCalc)   
        printf_s("ERROR: The sum of %d through %d should be %d, "  
                "but %d was reported!\n",   
                SUM_START, SUM_END, nSumCalc, nSum);  
        nRet |= 0x10;  
    if (bSucceed != (bRets[0] && bRets[1] &&   
                     bRets[2] && bRets[3] && bRets[4]))   
        printf_s("ERROR: The sum of %d through %d should be %d, "  
                 "but %d was reported!\n",   
                 SUM_START, SUM_END, nSumCalc, nSum);  
        nRet |= 0x100;  
The parallel section was executed 4 times in parallel.  
The sum of the consecutive integers from 1 to 10, is 55  
All of the the functions, func1 through func5 succeeded!  

See Also
