basic_string<CharType, Traits, Allocator>& insert(
size_type _P0,
const value_type* _Ptr
basic_string<CharType, Traits, Allocator>& insert(
size_type _P0,
const value_type* _Ptr,
size_type _Count
basic_string<CharType, Traits, Allocator>& insert(
size_type _P0,
const basic_string<CharType, Traits, Allocator>& _Str
basic_string<CharType, Traits, Allocator>& insert(
size_type _P0,
const basic_string<CharType, Traits, Allocator>& _Str,
size_type _Off,
size_type _Count
basic_string<CharType, Traits, Allocator>& insert(
size_type _P0,
size_type _Count,
value_type _Ch
iterator insert(
iterator _It
iterator insert(
iterator _It,
value_type _Ch
template<class InputIterator>
void insert(
iterator _It,
InputIterator _First,
InputIterator _Last
void insert(
iterator _It,
size_type _Count,
value_type _Ch
void insert(
iterator _It,
const_pointer _First,
const_pointer _Last
void insert(
iterator _It,
const_iterator _First,
const_iterator _Last
的 C 字串整個或部分插入字串。_Count
解決的 Iterator 後續字元要插入的位置。_First
處理輸入 const_pointer Iterator、或的 const_iterator 要在中插入的來源範圍中第一個項目。_Last
處理輸入、或 const_pointer Iterator 的位置 const_iterator 該在最後一個項目以外要在中插入的來源範圍。
在個別字元插入的情況下,您可以在成員函式指定處理新的字元,或者, Iterator 插入的字元位置的字串物件的參考則為 None,根據特定成員函式。
// basic_string_insert.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
// The first member function inserting a C-string
// at a given position
basic_string <char> str1a ( "way" );
const char *cstr1a = "a";
str1a.insert ( 0, cstr1a );
cout << "The string with a C-string inserted at position 0 is: "
<< str1a << "." << endl;
// The second member function inserting a C-string
// at a given position for a specified number of elements
basic_string <char> str2a ( "Good" );
const char *cstr2a = "Bye Bye Baby";
str2a.insert ( 4, cstr2a ,3 );
cout << "The string with a C-string inserted at the end is: "
<< str2a << "." << endl;
// The third member function inserting a string
// at a given position
basic_string <char> str3a ( "Bye" );
string str3b ( "Good" );
str3a.insert ( 0, str3b );
cout << "The string with a string inserted at position 0 is: "
<< str3a << "." << endl;
// The fourth member function inserting part of
// a string at a given position
basic_string <char> str4a ( "Good " );
string str4b ( "Bye Bye Baby" );
str4a.insert ( 5, str4b , 8 , 4 );
cout << "The string with part of a string inserted at position 4 is: "
<< str4a << "." << endl;
// The fifth member function inserts a number of characters
// at a specified position in the string
string str5 ( "The number is: ." );
str5.insert ( 15 , 3 , '3' );
cout << "The string with characters inserted is: "
<< str5 << endl;
// The sixth member function inserts a character
// at a specified position in the string
string str6 ( "ABCDFG" );
basic_string <char>::iterator str6_Iter = ( str6.begin ( ) + 4 );
str6.insert ( str6_Iter , 'e' );
cout << "The string with a character inserted is: "
<< str6 << endl;
// The seventh member function inserts a range
// at a specified position in the string
string str7a ( "ABCDHIJ" );
string str7b ( "abcdefgh" );
basic_string <char>::iterator str7a_Iter = (str7a.begin ( ) + 4 );
str7a.insert ( str7a_Iter , str7b.begin ( ) + 4 , str7b.end ( ) -1 );
cout << "The string with a character inserted from a range is: "
<< str7a << endl;
// The eigth member function inserts a number of
// characters at a specified position in the string
string str8 ( "ABCDHIJ" );
basic_string <char>::iterator str8_Iter = ( str8.begin ( ) + 4 );
str8.insert ( str8_Iter , 3 , 'e' );
cout << "The string with a character inserted from a range is: "
<< str8 << endl;
標題: <string>
命名空間: std