
Recursion Macros


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The latest version of this topic can be found at Recursion Macros.

Use recursion macros to call NMAKE recursively. Recursive sessions inherit command-line and environment-variable macros and Tools.ini information. They do not inherit makefile-defined inference rules or .SUFFIXES and .PRECIOUS specifications. To pass macros to a recursive NMAKE session, either set an environment variable with SET before the recursive call, define a macro in the command for the recursive call, or define a macro in Tools.ini.

Macro Definition
MAKE Command used originally to invoke NMAKE.

The $(MAKE) macro gives the full path to nmake.exe.
MAKEDIR Current directory when NMAKE was invoked.
MAKEFLAGS Options currently in effect. Use as /$(MAKEFLAGS). Note, /F is not included.

See Also

Special NMAKE Macros