注意事項 |
這個 API 已經過時。替代方案是 unordered_set 類別。 |
從指定的位置移除項目的範圍在 hash_set 的或移除符合指定之索引鍵的項目。
iterator erase(
iterator _Where
iterator erase(
iterator _First,
iterator _Last
size_type erase(
const key_type& _Key
項目的位置從 hash_set 被移除。_First
從 hash_set 移除的第一個項目的位置。_Last
在從 hash_set 移除的最後項目以外的位置。_Key
從 hash_set 要移除的項目索引鍵。
在前兩個成員函式、雙向 Iterator 保持在所有項目外的第一個項目中移除或對 hash_set 結尾的指標,如果沒有此類項目存在則為。 針對第三 + 成成員函式,從 hash_set 移除項目的數目。
在 Visual C++ .NET 2003 中, <hash_map> 和 <hash_set> 標頭檔的成員不在 std 命名空間中,而是移至 stdext 命名空間。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 stdext 命名空間。
當編譯這個範例會使用 /Wp64 旗標或在 64 位元平台時,編譯器警告 C4267 會產生。 如需這項警告的詳細資訊,請參閱 編譯器警告 (層級 3) C4267。
// hash_set_erase.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <hash_set>
#include <iostream>
int main()
using namespace std;
using namespace stdext;
hash_set<int> hs1, hs2, hs3;
hash_set<int>::iterator pIter, Iter1, Iter2;
int i;
hash_set<int>::size_type n;
for (i = 1; i < 5; i++)
hs1.insert (i);
hs2.insert (i * i);
hs3.insert (i - 1);
// The 1st member function removes an element at a given position
Iter1 = ++hs1.begin();
cout << "After the 2nd element is deleted, the hash_set hs1 is:";
for (pIter = hs1.begin(); pIter != hs1.end(); pIter++)
cout << " " << *pIter;
cout << "." << endl;
// The 2nd member function removes elements
// in the range [_First, _Last)
Iter1 = ++hs2.begin();
Iter2 = --hs2.end();
hs2.erase(Iter1, Iter2);
cout << "After the middle two elements are deleted, "
<< "the hash_set hs2 is:";
for (pIter = hs2.begin(); pIter != hs2.end(); pIter++)
cout << " " << *pIter;
cout << "." << endl;
// The 3rd member function removes elements with a given _Key
n = hs3.erase(2);
cout << "After the element with a key of 2 is deleted, "
<< "the hash_set hs3 is:";
for (pIter = hs3.begin(); pIter != hs3.end(); pIter++)
cout << " " << *pIter;
cout << "." << endl;
// The 3rd member function returns the number of elements removed
cout << "The number of elements removed from hs3 is: "
<< n << "." << endl;
// The dereferenced iterator can also be used to specify a key
Iter1 = ++hs3.begin();
cout << "After another element (unique for hash_set) with a key "
<< endl;
cout << "equal to that of the 2nd element is deleted, "
<< "the hash_set hs3 is:";
for (pIter = hs3.begin(); pIter != hs3.end(); pIter++)
cout << " " << *pIter;
cout << "." << endl;
標頭: <hash_set>