
extern Storage-Class Specifier


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The latest version of this topic can be found at extern Storage-Class Specifier.

A variable declared with the extern storage-class specifier is a reference to a variable with the same name defined at the external level in any of the source files of the program. The internal extern declaration is used to make the external-level variable definition visible within the block. Unless otherwise declared at the external level, a variable declared with the extern keyword is visible only in the block in which it is declared.


This example illustrates internal- and external-level declarations:

// extern_StorageClassSpecified.c  
#include <stdio.h>  
void other( void );  
int main()  
    // Reference to i, defined below:   
    extern int i;  
    // Initial value is zero; a is visible only within main:   
    static int a;  
    // b is stored in a register, if possible:   
    register int b = 0;  
    // Default storage class is auto:   
    int c = 0;  
    // Values printed are 1, 0, 0, 0:   
    printf_s( "%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n", i, a, b, c );  
int i = 1;  
void other( void )  
    // Address of global i assigned to pointer variable:  
    static int *external_i = &i;  
    // i is redefined; global i no longer visible:   
    int i = 16;  
    // This a is visible only within the other function:   
    static int a = 2;  
    a += 2;  
    // Values printed are 16, 4, and 1:  
    printf_s( "%d\n%d\n%d\n", i, a, *external_i );  

In this example, the variable i is defined at the external level with initial value 1. An extern declaration in the main function is used to declare a reference to the external-level i. The static variable a is initialized to 0 by default, since the initializer is omitted. The call to printf prints the values 1, 0, 0, and 0.

In the other function, the address of the global variable i is used to initialize the static pointer variable external_i. This works because the global variable has static lifetime, meaning its address does not change during program execution. Next, the variable i is redefined as a local variable with initial value 16. This redefinition does not affect the value of the external-level i, which is hidden by the use of its name for the local variable. The value of the global i is now accessible only indirectly within this block, through the pointer external_i. Attempting to assign the address of the auto variable i to a pointer does not work, since it may be different each time the block is entered. The variable a is declared as a static variable and initialized to 2. This a does not conflict with the a in main, since static variables at the internal level are visible only within the block in which they are declared.

The variable a is increased by 2, giving 4 as the result. If the other function were called again in the same program, the initial value of a would be 4. Internal static variables keep their values when the program exits and then reenters the block in which they are declared.

See Also

Storage-Class Specifiers for Internal-Level Declarations