下列清單包含 Service Manager Cmdlet 說明主題的連結:
Add-SCSMAllowListClass |
Adds the specified classes to the allow list of classes that is used by the Service Manager Operations Manager CI Connector during synchronization. |
Export-SCSMManagementPack |
Exports a management pack as an XML file for import into Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMAllowList |
Retrieves the allow list of classes that is used by the Service Manager Operations Manager CI Connector during synchronization. |
Get-SCSMAnnouncement |
Retrieves announcements that are defined in Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMChannel |
Retrieves the email notification channels that are defined in Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMClass |
Gets a class. |
Get-SCSMClassInstance |
Gets class instances. |
Get-SCSMConnector |
Retrieves connectors that are defined in Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMDCMWorkflow |
Retrieves the list of DCM workflows that are defined in Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMDeletedItem |
Retrieves items that have been marked for deletion in Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMDiscovery |
Gets discovery information from Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMEmailTemplate |
Retrieves email templates that are defined in Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMEmailTemplateContent |
Retrieves the content of Service Manager email templates. |
Get-SCSMGroup |
Gets groups from Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMManagementGroupConnection |
Gets all management group connections. |
Get-SCSMManagementPack |
Gets management packs. |
Get-SCSMObjectTemplate |
Gets an object template. |
Get-SCSMQueue |
Retrieves queues that are defined in Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMRelationship |
Gets information about relationship objects from Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMRelationshipInstance |
Gets the relationship instances from Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMRunAsAccount |
Gets RunAs accounts. |
Get-SCSMSetting |
Retrieves configuration settings of System Center Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMSubscription |
Retrieves subscriptions that are configured in Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMTask |
Retrieves tasks that are defined in Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMUser |
Retrieves users that are defined in Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMUserRole |
Retrieves user roles that are defined in Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMView |
Retrieves views that are defined in Service Manager. |
Get-SCSMWorkflow |
Retrieves configuration information for Service Manager workflows. |
Get-SCSMWorkflowStatus |
Retrieves the status of workflows in Service Manager. |
Import-SCSMInstance |
Imports objects and relationships from a comma-separated value (.csv) file into Service Manager. |
Import-SCSMManagementPack |
Imports management packs. |
New-SCADConnector |
Creates a new Service Manager Active Directory connector. |
New-SCCMConnector |
Creates a new Configuration Manager connector in Service Manager. |
New-SCOMAlertConnector |
Creates a new Operations Manager alert connector in Service Manager. |
New-SCOMConfigurationItemConnector |
Creates a new Operations Manager CI connector in Service Manager. |
New-SCOrchestratorConnector |
Creates a new Service Manager Orchestrator connector. |
New-SCSMAlertRule |
Creates an alert rule to be used with an Operations Manager Alert connector in Service Manager. |
New-SCSMAnnouncement |
Creates a new announcement in Service Manager. |
New-SCSMClassInstance |
Adds a class instance to the database. |
New-SCSMDCMWorkflow |
Creates a new Desired Configuration Management (DCM) workflow in Service Manager. |
New-SCSMEmailTemplate |
Creates a new Email template for Service Manager. |
New-SCSMManagementGroupConnection |
Creates a new connection for the specified management group. |
New-SCSMManagementPack |
Creates a new management pack. |
New-SCSMManagementPackBundle |
Creates a management pack bundle. |
New-SCSMRelationshipInstance |
Creates an instance of a relationship. |
New-SCSMRunAsAccount |
Creates a new Run As account. |
New-SCSMSubscription |
Creates a new subscription in Service Manager. |
New-SCSMUserRole |
Creates a new user role in Service Manager. |
New-SCSMWorkflow |
Creates a new workflow in Service Manager. |
New-SCVMMConnector |
Creates a new Service Manager Virtual Machine Manager connector. |
Protect-SCSMManagementPack |
Seals a management pack, preventing it from being modified. |
Remove-SCSMAllowListClass |
Removes the specified classes from the allow list of classes that are used by the Operations Manager CI Connector during synchronization in Service Manager. |
Remove-SCSMAnnouncement |
Removes an announcement from Service Manager. |
Remove-SCSMClassInstance |
Removes a class instance. |
Remove-SCSMConnector |
Removes a connector from Service Manager. |
Remove-SCSMDCMWorkflow |
Removes a DCM workflow from Service Manager. |
Remove-SCSMEmailTemplate |
Removes an email template from Service Manager. |
Remove-SCSMManagementGroupConnection |
Removes a management group connection. |
Remove-SCSMManagementPack |
Removes management packs. |
Remove-SCSMRelationshipInstance |
Removes an instance of a relationship. |
Remove-SCSMRunAsAccount |
Removes a RunAs account. |
Remove-SCSMSubscription |
Removes a subscription from Service Manager. |
Remove-SCSMUserRole |
Removes a user role from Service Manager. |
Remove-SCSMWorkflow |
Removes a workflow from Service Manager. |
Reset-SCSMAllowList |
Resets the allow list of classes that is used by the Operations Manager CI Connector in Service Manager to the default allow list. |
Restore-SCSMDeletedItem |
Restores items that were previously marked for deletion in Service Manager. |
Set-SCSMChannel |
Sets the properties of the email notification channel in Service Manager. |
Set-SCSMManagementGroupConnection |
Sets the active management group connection. |
Start-SCSMConnector |
Initiates a synchronization of a Service Manager connector. |
Test-SCSMManagementPack |
Tests the validity of a management pack. |
Update-SCSMAnnouncement |
Updates the properties of an announcement for Service Manager. |
Update-SCSMClassInstance |
Updates property values of a class instance. |
Update-SCSMConnector |
Updates the properties of a Service Manager connector. |
Update-SCSMDCMWorkflow |
Updates properties of a DCM workflow. |
Update-SCSMEmailTemplate |
Updates properties of an email template. |
Update-SCSMRunAsAccount |
Updates RunAs account credentials. |
Update-SCSMSetting |
Updates the configuration settings for Service Manager. |
Update-SCSMSubscription |
Updates subscription properties in Service Manager. |
Update-SCSMUserRole |
Sets the UserRole property for a Service Manager user. |
Update-SCSMWorkflow |
Updates workflow properties. |