[-ResourceGroupName] <String>
[-InstanceName] <String>
[-Name] <String>
[-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]
[-Name] <String>
[-InstanceObject] <AzureSqlManagedInstanceModel>
[-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]
[-InputObject] <AzureSqlManagedInstanceLinkModel>
[-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]
[-ResourceId] <String>
[-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]
Remove-AzSqlInstanceLink Cmdlet 會卸除實例連結。 如果卸除連結且複本的 LSN 未與主要複本同步,則此命令可能會導致數據遺失,因此使用者必須在出現提示時明確確認命令,或使用 -Force 參數。
範例 1:移除實例連結
Remove-AzSqlInstanceLink -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroup01" -InstanceName "ManagedInstance01" -Name "Link01"
This operation may cause data loss if replica's last hardened LSN is not in sync with the primary. Are you sure you want to proceed?
[Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y
此命令會從受控實例 「ManagedInstance01」 中移除實例連結 「Link01」。
範例 2:使用明確的 -Force 旗標移除實例連結
Remove-AzSqlInstanceLink -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroup01" -InstanceName "ManagedInstance01" -Name "Link01" -Force
此命令會強制移除受控實例 「ManagedInstance01」 中的實例連結 「Link01」,忽略數據遺失警告。
範例 3:依其資源標識符移除實例連結
Remove-AzSqlInstanceLink -ResourceId "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/resourcegroup01/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/ManagedInstance01/distributedAvailabilityGroups/Link01"
This operation may cause data loss if replica's last hardened LSN is not in sync with the primary. Are you sure you want to proceed?
[Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y
範例 4:移除其 PowerShell 對象的實例連結
$managedInstanceLink = Get-AzSqlInstanceLink -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroup01" -InstanceName "ManagedInstance01" -Name "Link01"
Remove-AzSqlInstanceLink -InputObject $managedInstanceLink
This operation may cause data loss if replica's last hardened LSN is not in sync with the primary. Are you sure you want to proceed?
[Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y
範例 5:依其父實例對象移除實例連結
$instance = Get-AzSqlInstance -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroup01" -Name "ManagedInstance01"
Remove-AzSqlInstanceLink -InstanceObject $instance -Name "Link01"
This operation may cause data loss if replica's last hardened LSN is not in sync with the primary. Are you sure you want to proceed?
[Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y
此命令會從實例物件指定的受控實例中移除實例連結 「Link01」。。
範例 6:使用位置參數移除實例連結
Remove-AzSqlInstanceLink "ResourceGroup01" "ManagedInstance01" "Link01"
This operation may cause data loss if replica's last hardened LSN is not in sync with the primary. Are you sure you want to proceed?
[Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y
此命令會使用位置參數,從受控實例 「ManagedInstance01」 移除實例連結 「Link01」。
範例 7:透過管線鏈接物件從其父實例移除所有實例連結
$instance = Get-AzSqlInstance -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroup01" -Name "ManagedInstance01"
$instance | Get-AzSqlInstanceLink | Remove-AzSqlInstanceLink -Force
此命令會從受控實例 「ManagedInstance01」 中移除所有實例連結。
範例 8:移除具有明確 -Force 旗標的實例連結,並輸出已刪除的實例連結物件
Remove-AzSqlInstanceLink -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroup01" -InstanceName "ManagedInstance01" -Name "Link01" -Force -PassThru
This operation may cause data loss if replica's last hardened LSN is not in sync with the primary. Are you sure you want to proceed?
[Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y
此命令會從受控實例 「ManagedInstance01」 移除實例連結,並輸出已刪除的實例連結物件。
在執行 Cmdlet 之前,提示您進行確認。
類型: | SwitchParameter |
別名: | cf |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
用於與 Azure 通訊的認證、帳戶、租用戶和訂用帳戶。
類型: | IAzureContextContainer |
別名: | AzContext, AzureRmContext, AzureCredential |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | SwitchParameter |
別名: | AllowDataLoss |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | AzureSqlManagedInstanceLinkModel |
Position: | 0 |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | True |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | String |
Position: | 1 |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | AzureSqlManagedInstanceModel |
Position: | 0 |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | True |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | String |
別名: | LinkName |
Position: | 2 |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | String |
Position: | 0 |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | String |
Position: | 0 |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | True |
接受萬用字元: | False |
顯示 Cmdlet 執行時會發生什麼事。 Cmdlet 未執行。
類型: | SwitchParameter |
別名: | wi |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |