Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Windows PowerShell 和 PowerShell Core 中適用於 Azure Resource Manager 的 Azure Functions 服務 Cmdlet。\n\n如需 Azure Functions 的相關信息,請流覽下列各項:
Get-AzFunctionApp |
Gets function apps in a subscription. |
Get-AzFunctionAppAvailableLocation |
Gets the location where a function app for the given os and plan type is available. |
Get-AzFunctionAppPlan |
Get function apps plans in a subscription. |
Get-AzFunctionAppSetting |
Gets app settings for a function app. |
New-AzFunctionApp |
Creates a function app. |
New-AzFunctionAppPlan |
Creates a function app service plan. |
Remove-AzFunctionApp |
Deletes a function app. |
Remove-AzFunctionAppPlan |
Deletes a function app plan. |
Remove-AzFunctionAppSetting |
Removes app settings from a function app. |
Restart-AzFunctionApp |
Restarts a function app. |
Start-AzFunctionApp |
Starts a function app. |
Stop-AzFunctionApp |
Stops a function app. |
Update-AzFunctionApp |
Updates a function app. |
Update-AzFunctionAppPlan |
Updates a function app service plan. |
Update-AzFunctionAppSetting |
Adds or updates app settings in a function app. |