提供 Azure SQL 供應專案的 SKU 建議
[-OutputFolder <String>]
[-TargetPlatform <String>]
[-TargetSqlInstance <String>]
[-TargetPercentile <String>]
[-ScalingFactor <String>]
[-StartTime <String>]
[-EndTime <String>]
[-DatabaseAllowList <String>]
[-DatabaseDenyList <String>]
-ConfigFilePath <String>
提供 Azure SQL 供應專案的 SKU 建議
範例 1:使用連接字串在指定的 SQL Server 上執行 SKU 建議
Get-AzDataMigrationSkuRecommendation -DisplayResult
Starting SKU recommendation...
Performing aggregation for instance AALAB03-2K8...
Aggregation complete. Calculating SKU recommendations...
Instance name: AALAB03-2K8
SKU recommendation: Azure SQL Managed Instance:
Compute: Gen5 - GeneralPurpose - 4 cores
Storage: 64 GB
Recommendation reasons:
According to the performance data collected, we estimate that your SQL server instance has a requirement for 0.16 vCores of CPU. For greater flexibility, based on your scaling factor of 100.00%, we are making a recommendation based on 0.16 vCores. Based on all the other factors, including memory, storage, and IO, this is the smallest compute sizing that will satisfy all of your needs.
This SQL Server instance requires 0.44 GB of memory, which is within this SKU's limit of 20.40 GB.
This SQL Server instance requires 32.37 GB of storage for data files. We recommend provisioning 64 GB of storage, which is the closest valid amount that can be provisioned that meets your requirement.
This SQL Server instance requires 0.00 MB/second of combined read/write IO throughput. This is a relatively idle instance, so IO latency is not considered.
Assuming the database uses the Full Recovery Model, this SQL Server instance requires 1 IOPS for data and log files.
This is the most cost-efficient offering among all the performance eligible SKUs.
Finishing SKU recommendations...
Event and Error Logs Folder Path: C:\Users\vmanhas\AppData\Local\Microsoft\SqlAssessment\Logs
此命令會使用連接字串,在指定的 SQL Server 上執行 SKU 建議。
範例 2:使用評定配置檔在指定的 SQL Server 上執行執行 SKU 建議
Get-AzDataMigrationSkuRecommendation -ConfigFilePath "C:\Users\user\document\config.json"
Starting SKU recommendation...
Performing aggregation for instance AALAB03-2K8...
Aggregation complete. Calculating SKU recommendations...
Instance name: AALAB03-2K8
SKU recommendation: Azure SQL Managed Instance:
Compute: Gen5 - GeneralPurpose - 4 cores
Storage: 64 GB
Recommendation reasons:
According to the performance data collected, we estimate that your SQL server instance has a requirement for 0.16 vCores of CPU. For greater flexibility, based on your scaling factor of 100.00%, we are making a recommendation based on 0.16 vCores. Based on all the other factors, including memory, storage, and IO, this is the smallest compute sizing that will satisfy all of your needs.
This SQL Server instance requires 0.44 GB of memory, which is within this SKU's limit of 20.40 GB.
This SQL Server instance requires 32.37 GB of storage for data files. We recommend provisioning 64 GB of storage, which is the closest valid amount that can be provisioned that meets your requirement.
This SQL Server instance requires 0.00 MB/second of combined read/write IO throughput. This is a relatively idle instance, so IO latency is not considered.
Assuming the database uses the Full Recovery Model, this SQL Server instance requires 1 IOPS for data and log files.
This is the most cost-efficient offering among all the performance eligible SKUs.
Finishing SKU recommendations...
Event and Error Logs Folder Path: C:\Users\vmanhas\AppData\Local\Microsoft\SqlAssessment\Logs
此命令會使用組態檔,在指定的 SQL Server 上執行執行 SKU 建議。
ConfigFile 的路徑
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
自選。 在排除所有其他資料庫時,允許針對SKU建議考慮的資料庫名稱分隔清單。 只設定下列其中一項或兩者:databaseAllowList、databaseDenyList。 如何傳遞 - “Database1 Database2” (預設值:null)
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
自選。 未考慮 SKU 建議之資料庫名稱的空間分隔清單。 只設定下列其中一項或兩者:databaseAllowList、databaseDenyList。 如何傳遞 - “Database1 Database2” (預設值:null)
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
自選。 是否要將 SKU 建議結果列印至主控台。
類型: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
自選。 是否根據資源使用量分析,針對 SKU 建議使用彈性策略。
類型: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
自選。 匯總期間要考慮的 UTC 效能數據點結束時間,採用 YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM 格式。 僅適用於基準(非彈性)策略。 (預設:將考慮收集的所有資料點)
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
要寫入/讀取數據與結果報表的資料夾。 這裡的值必須與 PerfDataCollection 中使用的值相同
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
自選。 是否要覆寫任何現有的 SKU 建議報告。
類型: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
自選。 SKU 建議期間使用的縮放比例(舒適)因素。 例如,如果判斷有 4 個虛擬核心 CPU 需求,且縮放比例為 150%,則真正的 CPU 需求會是 6 個虛擬核心。 (預設值:100)
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
自選。 匯總期間要考慮的效能數據點 UTC 開始時間,採用 YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM 格式。 僅適用於基準(非彈性)策略。 (預設:將考慮收集的所有資料點)
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
自選。 效能數據匯總期間所要使用的數據點百分位數。 僅適用於基準(非彈性)策略。 (預設值:95)
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
自選。 SKU 建議的目標平臺:AzureSqlDatabase、AzureSqlManagedInstance、AzureSqlVirtualMachine 或 Any。 如果選取 [任何],則會評估所有三個目標平臺的 SKU 建議,並傳回最適合的 SKU 建議。 (預設值:任何)
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
自選。 SKU 建議的目標 SQL 實例名稱。 (預設: outputFolder 將會掃描 PerfDataCollection 動作所建立的檔案,並針對找到的每個實例提供建議)
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |