依其 resourceName 取得單一活頁簿範本。
-Name <String>
-ResourceGroupName <String>
[-SubscriptionId <String[]>]
[-DefaultProfile <PSObject>]
-InputObject <IApplicationInsightsIdentity>
[-DefaultProfile <PSObject>]
依其 resourceName 取得單一活頁簿範本。
範例 1:依 resourceName 取得單一活頁簿範本
Get-AzApplicationInsightsWorkbookTemplate -ResourceGroupName resourceGroup -Name workbooktemplate-pwsh01
ResourceGroupName Name Location
----------------- ---- --------
appinsights-hkrs2v-test workbooktemplate-pwsh01 westu
此命令會依其 resourceName 取得單一活頁簿範本。
範例 2:依管線取得單一活頁簿範本
$gallery = New-AzApplicationInsightsWorkbookTemplateGalleryObject -Category "Failures" -Name "Simple Template" -Type 'tsg' -ResourceType "microsoft.insights/components" -Order 100
$data = @{
"version"= "Notebook/1.0";
"items"= @(
"type"= 1;
"content"= @{
"json"= "## New workbook\n---\n\nWelcome to your new workbook. This area will display text formatted as markdown.\n\n\nWe've included a basic analytics query to get you started. Use the `Edit` button below each section to configure it or add more sections."
"name"= "text - 2"
"type"= 3;
"content"= @{
"version"= "KqlItem/1.0";
"query"= "union withsource=TableName *\n| summarize Count=count() by TableName\n| render barchart";
"size"= 1;
"exportToExcelOptions"= "visible";
"queryType"= 0;
"resourceType"= "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces"
"name"= "query - 2"
"styleSettings"= @{};
"$schema"= ""
New-AzApplicationInsightsWorkbookTemplate -ResourceGroupName resourceGroup -Name 'workbooktemplate-pwsh01' -Location 'westus2' -Gallery $gallery -TemplateData $data -Priority 1 | Get-AzApplicationInsightsWorkbookTemplate
ResourceGroupName Name Location
----------------- ---- --------
appinsights-hkrs2v-test workbooktemplate-pwsh01 westus2
DefaultProfile 參數無法運作。 如果針對不同的訂用帳戶執行 Cmdlet,請使用 SubscriptionId 參數。
類型: | PSObject |
別名: | AzureRMContext, AzureCredential |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
Identity Parameter To construct, see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.
類型: | IApplicationInsightsIdentity |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | True |
接受萬用字元: | False |
Application Insights 元件資源的名稱。
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
資源群組的名稱。 名稱不區分大小寫。
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | String[] |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |