依其 resourceName 取得單一活頁簿。
[-SubscriptionId <String[]>]
-Category <CategoryType>
[-Tag <String[]>]
[-DefaultProfile <PSObject>]
-Name <String>
-ResourceGroupName <String>
[-SubscriptionId <String[]>]
[-DefaultProfile <PSObject>]
-ResourceGroupName <String>
[-SubscriptionId <String[]>]
-Category <CategoryType>
[-Tag <String[]>]
[-LinkedSourceId <String>]
[-DefaultProfile <PSObject>]
-InputObject <IApplicationInsightsIdentity>
[-DefaultProfile <PSObject>]
依其 resourceName 取得單一活頁簿。
範例 1:依類別列出活頁簿
Get-AzApplicationInsightsWorkbook -Category 'workbook'
ResourceGroupName Name DisplayName Location Kind Category
----------------- ---- ----------- -------- ---- --------
appinsights-hkrs2v-test 7d195dcc-7d02-459f-a181-5b46662e4060 Workbook01 westus2 shared workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test c65b3461-9270-45b7-b6ad-ddd644458b0e westus2 user workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test 2e47417f-c136-44c0-b78f-7a4ca35fd9d1 Workbook02-display westus2 user workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test 842437e8-8ef1-4ce7-b1a7-4cebf6c10188 Workbook03-display westus2 user workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test aac4bf14-0f25-4ac3-a4d4-76c63bf7312e Workbook03-display westus2 user workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test 74446cb1-d125-4c1f-ab84-e57fd93101d2 Workbook03-display westus2 shared workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test 5df8625f-fae4-4a38-9f43-62a40a2e99d1 5df8625f-fae4-4a38-9f43-62a40a2e99d1-display westus2 user workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test b41466f0-a464-4531-ab31-df6ba613d8fe b41466f0-a464-4531-ab31-df6ba613d8fe-display westus2 user workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test f7d7151e-7907-4f46-8a5e-6bf4a4cfedec f7d7151e-7907-4f46-8a5e-6bf4a4cfedec-display westus2 shared workbook
範例 2:依其 resourceName 取得單一活頁簿
Get-AzApplicationInsightsWorkbook -ResourceGroupName appinsights-hkrs2v-test -Name f7d7151e-7907-4f46-8a5e-6bf4a4cfedec
ResourceGroupName Name DisplayName Location Kind Category
----------------- ---- ----------- -------- ---- --------
appinsights-hkrs2v-test f7d7151e-7907-4f46-8a5e-6bf4a4cfedec f7d7151e-7907-4f46-8a5e-6bf4a4cfedec-display westus2 shared workboo
此命令會依其 resourceName 取得單一活頁簿。
範例 3:依管線取得單一活頁簿
$name = (New-Guid).ToString()
New-AzApplicationInsightsWorkbook -ResourceGroupName appinsights-hkrs2v-test -Name $name -Location westus2 -DisplayName "$name-display" -SourceId "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/appinsights-hkrs2v-test/providers/microsoft.insights/components/appinsights-48mah3-pwsh" -Category 'workbook' -SerializedData $null | Get-AzApplicationInsightsWorkbook
ResourceGroupName Name DisplayName Location Kind Category
----------------- ---- ----------- -------- ---- --------
appinsights-hkrs2v-test f7d7151e-7907-4f46-8a5e-6bf4a4cfedec f7d7151e-7907-4f46-8a5e-6bf4a4cfedec-display westus2 shared workboo
範例 4:依資源群組列出所有活頁簿
Get-AzApplicationInsightsWorkbook -ResourceGroupName appinsights-hkrs2v-test -Category 'workbook'
ResourceGroupName Name DisplayName Location Kind Category
----------------- ---- ----------- -------- ---- --------
appinsights-hkrs2v-test 7d195dcc-7d02-459f-a181-5b46662e4060 Workbook01 westus2 shared workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test c65b3461-9270-45b7-b6ad-ddd644458b0e westus2 user workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test 2e47417f-c136-44c0-b78f-7a4ca35fd9d1 Workbook02-display westus2 user workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test 842437e8-8ef1-4ce7-b1a7-4cebf6c10188 Workbook03-display westus2 user workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test aac4bf14-0f25-4ac3-a4d4-76c63bf7312e Workbook03-display westus2 user workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test 74446cb1-d125-4c1f-ab84-e57fd93101d2 Workbook03-display westus2 shared workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test 5df8625f-fae4-4a38-9f43-62a40a2e99d1 5df8625f-fae4-4a38-9f43-62a40a2e99d1-display westus2 user workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test b41466f0-a464-4531-ab31-df6ba613d8fe b41466f0-a464-4531-ab31-df6ba613d8fe-display westus2 user workbook
appinsights-hkrs2v-test f7d7151e-7907-4f46-8a5e-6bf4a4cfedec f7d7151e-7907-4f46-8a5e-6bf4a4cfedec-display westus2 shared workbook
旗標,指出是否要傳回每個適用活頁簿的完整內容。 如果為 false,則只會傳回活頁簿的摘要內容。
類型: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | CategoryType |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
DefaultProfile 參數無法運作。 如果針對不同的訂用帳戶執行 Cmdlet,請使用 SubscriptionId 參數。
類型: | PSObject |
別名: | AzureRMContext, AzureCredential |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
Identity Parameter To construct, see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.
類型: | IApplicationInsightsIdentity |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | True |
接受萬用字元: | False |
將擷取所有連結活頁簿的 Azure 資源識別碼。
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
資源群組的名稱。 名稱不區分大小寫。
類型: | String |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | True |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | String[] |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |
類型: | String[] |
Position: | Named |
預設值: | None |
必要: | False |
接受管線輸入: | False |
接受萬用字元: | False |