
Add the Apply Updates Task to a Node Template

The Maintenance phase of a node template can include an Apply Updates task, with settings that you configure for which updates to apply. When you run the Maintain action on nodes, the Apply Updates task downloads updates to the compute nodes from the Microsoft Update Web site or the WSUS server in your enterprise, and then installs the updates.


The Apply Updates task in the node template cannot install updates that include software license terms (also known as an End User License Agreement or EULA). This type of update requires the administrator of each node to accept the software license terms before the update can be installed. In this scenario, you have to install updates that include software license terms manually.

For more information about applying updates by using and enterprise WSUS server or by using a node template, see the Best Practices topic in the updating nodes step-by-step guide.

The following procedure describes how to add the Apply Updates task to a node template:

To add the Apply Updates task to a node template

  1. In Configuration, in the Navigation Pane, click Node templates.

  2. Double-click the node template that is assigned to the compute nodes that you want to update.

  3. In the Node Template Editor dialog box, click Add Task, point to Maintenance, and then click Apply Updates.

    If Apply Updates is not available, the node template already has this task listed. You can review the current task properties, and make changes if necessary.

  4. In the list of Node template tasks, select the Apply Updates task.

  5. In the Apply Updates Properties pane, under Required, select the category of software updates that you want applied to the compute nodes (No updates, Critical and Security updates, or All updates).

  6. Optionally, you can list specific software updates to apply to the compute nodes under Optional in Updates.

  7. Click Save.


To apply the updates specified in the node template, use the Maintain node action to run the update task. For more information, see Run Maintenance Tasks on Nodes.

Additional considerations

  • The following System Configuration diagnostics can help you find out about updates on your cluster:

    • Available Software Updates for Node Report: Reports on the updates that are identified as critical by Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) or Microsoft Update.

    • Missing/Required Software Updates from Template Report: Compares the software updates that are installed on the selected nodes with the updates specified in the Apply Updates task in the node template.

    • Software Updates Installed on Nodes Report: Reports the updates that are installed on the selected nodes.

  • For information about using HPC Cluster Manager, see Overview of HPC Cluster Manager.

Additional references