Cloud Partner 入口網站 API 已與整合,並將繼續在合作夥伴中心運作。 轉換引進了小型變更。 檢閱 Cloud Partner 入口網站 API 參考中所列的變更,以確保您的程式代碼在轉換至合作夥伴中心後繼續運作。 CPP API 應該只用於轉換至合作夥伴中心之前已整合的現有產品:新產品應使用合作夥伴中心提交 API。
擷取供應專案上的所有作業,或取得指定 operationId 的特定作業。 用戶端可以使用查詢參數來篩選執行中的作業。
GET https://cloudpartner.azure.com/api/publishers/<publisherId>/offers/<offerId>/operations/<operationId>?api-version=2017-10-31
URI 參數
名稱 |
說明 |
資料類型 |
publisherId |
發行者標識碼,例如 Contoso |
String |
offerId |
供應項目標識碼 |
String |
operationId |
可唯一識別供應項目上作業的 GUID。 operationId 可能會使用此 API 擷取,而且也會在回應的 HTTP 標頭中傳回任何長時間執行的作業,例如 發布供應專案 API。 |
Guid |
api-version |
最新版的 API |
Date |
名稱 |
值 |
內容-類型 |
application/json |
授權 |
GET 作業
"id": "5a63deb5-925b-4ee0-938b-7c86fbf287c5",
"offerId": "56615b67-2185-49fe-80d2-c4ddf77bb2e8",
"offerVersion": 1,
"offerTypeId": "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines",
"publisherId": "contoso",
"submissionType": "publish",
"submissionState": "running",
"publishingVersion": 2,
"slot": "staging",
"version": 636576975611768314,
"definition": {
"metadata": {
"emails": "jdoe@contoso.com"
"changedTime": "2018-03-26T21:46:01.179948Z"
GET 作業
"status" : "running",
"messages" : [],
"publishingVersion" : 2,
"offerVersion" : 1,
"cancellationRequestState": "canCancel",
"steps": [
"estimatedTimeFrame": "< 15 min",
"id": "displaydummycertify",
"stepName": "Validate Pre-Requisites",
"description": "Offer settings provided are validated",
"status": "complete",
"messageHtml": "Step completed.",
"level": "information",
"timestamp": "2017-03-28T19:50:36.500052Z"
"progressPercentage": 100
"estimatedTimeFrame": "< 5 day",
"id": "displaycertify",
"stepName": "Certification",
"description": "Your offer is analyzed by our certification systems for issues.",
"status": "blocked",
"messageHtml": "No virtual machine image was found for the plan contoso.",
"level": "error",
"timestamp": "2017-03-28T19:50:39.5506018Z"
"messageHtml": "This step has not started yet.",
"level": "information",
"timestamp": "2017-03-28T19:50:39.5506018Z"
"progressPercentage": 0
"estimatedTimeFrame": "< 1 day",
"id": "displayprovision",
"stepName": "Provisioning",
"description": "Your virtual machine is being replicated in our production systems.",
"status": "notStarted",
"messages": [],
"progressPercentage": 0
"estimatedTimeFrame": "< 1 hour",
"id": "displaypackage",
"stepName": "Packaging and Lead Generation Registration",
"description": "Your virtual machine is packaged for being shown to your customers. Additionally, we hookup our lead generation systems to send leads for your offer.",
"status": "notStarted",
"messages": [],
"progressPercentage": 0
"id": "publisher-signoff",
"stepName": "Publisher signoff",
"description": "Offer is available to preview. Ensure that everything looks good before making your offer live.",
"status": "notStarted",
"messages": [],
"progressPercentage": 0
"estimatedTimeFrame": "~2-5 days",
"id": "live",
"stepName": "Live",
"description": "Offer is publicly visible and is available for purchase.",
"status": "notStarted",
"messages": [],
"progressPercentage": 0
"previewLinks": [],
"liveLinks": [],
名稱 |
說明 |
id |
可唯一識別作業的 GUID |
submissionType |
識別要報告供應專案的作業類型,例如 Publish/GoLive |
createdDateTime |
建立作業的 UTC 日期時間 |
lastActionDateTime |
上次更新在作業上完成的UTC日期時間 |
status |
工作的狀態,可以是 not started | failed | | completed running 。 一次只能有一個作業的狀態 running 。 |
error |
失敗作業的錯誤訊息 |
名稱 |
說明 |
estimatedTimeFrame |
此作業的估計持續時間 |
id |
步驟程式的唯一標識符 |
description |
步驟的描述 |
stepName |
步驟的易記名稱 |
status |
步驟的狀態,任一 notStarted | running | failed | completed |
messages |
在步驟期間遇到的任何通知或警告。 字串陣列 |
progressPercentage |
從 0 到 100 的整數,表示步驟的進展 |
程式碼 |
說明 |
200 |
OK - 已成功處理要求,並傳回要求的作業。 |
400 |
Bad/Malformed request - 錯誤回應本文可能包含詳細資訊。 |
403 |
Forbidden - 客戶端無法存取指定的命名空間。 |
404 |
Not found - 指定的實體不存在。 |