共用方式為 GetConfigData


A DSS calls the GetConfigData method to obtain configuration data that governs the metadata and content synchronization phases of the protocol, as specified in section

 <wsdl:operation name="GetConfigData">
   <wsdl:input message="tns:GetConfigDataSoapIn" />
   <wsdl:output message="tns:GetConfigDataSoapOut" />

The SOAP operation is defined as follows.

 <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.microsoft.com/SoftwareDistribut
 ion/GetConfigData" style="document" />

Request validation:

The USS validates inputs as given in the following table. If any of the inputs are not valid, the USS MUST return a SOAP fault message to the DSS with the <ErrorCode> set, as shown in the table.


Validation conditions



MUST be present and not empty.



The EncryptedData MUST be the correct format such that the USS can read values out of it, as specified in section


protocolVersion in the cookie EncryptedData

MUST be of the format "x.y" where x is the Major Version and y is the Minor Version number.


protocolVersion in the cookie EncryptedData

Major Version MUST be "1".


Data processing:

The USS MUST compose a GetConfigDataResponse message in response, as follows:

  1. Copy the following Server Configuration Table entries into the ServerSyncConfigData structure of the response:

    • CatalogOnlySync

    • LazySync

    • ServerHostsPsfFiles

    • MaxNumberOfUpdatesPerRequest

    • MaxNumberOfDriverSetsPerRequest

    • MaxNumberOfComputerIdsInRequest

    • MaxNumberOfPnpHardwareIdsInRequest

    • MaxUpdatesPerRequestInGetUpdateDecryptionData<30>

  2. Copy the following Server State Table entries into the ServerSyncConfigData structure of the response:

    • ConfigAnchor

  3. Add an entry to the LanguageUpdateList element of the ServerSyncConfigData structure of the response:

    • LanguageID = 0.

    • ShortLanguage = "all".

    • LongLanguage = "all".

    • Enabled ="All Languages" flag value from the Languages Support element in the Server Configuration Table.

  4. Copy the Specific Language Settings from the Server Configuration Table entries into the LanguageUpdateList element of the ServerSyncConfigData structure.


If no errors occur during processing, the USS MUST return the response to the DSS.

If an error occurs during processing, the USS MUST return a SOAP fault. The SOAP fault SHOULD contain an <ErrorCode> element, as described in section 2.2.9. If the SOAP fault contains an <ErrorCode> element, its value MUST be one of the following.

If the DSS receives a SOAP fault containing an <ErrorCode> element, it MUST react to the fault with one of the following errors. These are described in section

  • InvalidParameters

  • InternalServerError

  • InvalidCookie

  • IncompatibleProtocolVersion

If the DSS receives a fault that does not contain an <ErrorCode> element, it MUST stop the protocol.