共用方式為 GetAuthConfig

A DSS calls the GetAuthConfig method to get information about the authorization service to use to get the authorization cookie.

 <wsdl:operation name="GetAuthConfig">
   <wsdl:input message="tns:GetAuthConfigSoapIn" />
   <wsdl:output message="tns:GetAuthConfigSoapOut" />

The SOAP operation is defined as follows.

 <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.microsoft.com/SoftwareDistribut
 ion/GetAuthConfig" style="document" />

Request validation:


Data processing:

The USS MUST compose a GetAuthConfigResponse message in response, as follows:

  • AuthInfo: MUST contain exactly one element, and its fields MUST be set as the following:

    • PlugInID: Set to "DssTargeting".

    • ServiceUrl: Set to "DssAuthWebService/DssAuthWebService.asmx".

    • Parameter: This MUST NOT be included.


If no errors occur during processing, the USS MUST return the response to the DSS.

The following SOAP fault MAY be returned by this operation.




An internal error occurred on the server. The error is implementation-specific. The DSS MUST stop the protocol.