
2.1 Transport

An RMS: Client-to-Server Protocol message MUST be formatted as specified in either [SOAP1.1] or [SOAP1.2/1].

Each RMS Web service MUST support SOAP [SOAP1.1] over HTTP [RFC2616] over TCP/IP. Each RMS Web service SHOULD<2> support HTTPS for securing its communication with clients. Each RMS Web service MUST require HTTPS for communication with clients when making a request enabled by the Microsoft Web Browser Federated Sign-on Protocol [MS-MWBF] to the Licensing or Certification Web services.

The Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) specified in section MUST be exposed by the server as endpoints for the HTTP and SOAP over HTTP transports.

To optimize network bandwidth, the client implementation can request that the reply be compressed by specifying the encoding format in the HTTP Accept-Encoding request-header field as specified in [RFC2616] section 14.3. The update server encodes the reply using the requested format.