In the DNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST_DOTNET structure all fields have same definition as specified in section DNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST_W2K (section, with the following exceptions:
typedef struct _DnssrvRpcZoneListDotNet { DWORD dwRpcStructureVersion; DWORD dwReserved0; [range(0,500000)] DWORD dwZoneCount; [size_is(dwZoneCount)] PDNS_RPC_ZONE_DOTNET ZoneArray[]; } DNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST_DOTNET, *PDNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST_DOTNET, DNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST, *PDNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST;
dwRpcStructureVersion: The DNS management structure version number. This MUST be set to 0x00000001.
dwReserved0: This field is reserved for future use. Senders can send an arbitrary value and receivers MUST ignore it.
If the DNS RPC client sends an older version of DNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST structure, that is, DNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST_W2K (section, then the DNS RPC server MUST construct a current version of DNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST structure, that is, DNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST_DOTNET, using the following steps:
Copy the same value for the fields that are common to input and the current version of DNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST structures.
The dwRpcStructureVersion field MUST be set to "1".
The value for the ZoneArray field MUST be obtained from the input structure as DNS_RPC_ZONE_W2K (section array elements and each MUST be converted using the steps specified in section DNS_RPC_ZONE_DOTNET (section, and then assigned to the ZoneArray field in the DNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST_DOTNET structure.
All other fields that are defined only in DNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST_DOTNET and are not defined in DNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST_W2K (section, MUST be set to "0".