共用方式為 ICertAdminD::BackupGetBackupLogs (Opnum 23)

The BackupGetBackupLogs method queries the CA for the names of database transaction log files that should become part of the backup file set.

 HRESULT BackupGetBackupLogs(
   [out, size_is(, *pcwcLogFiles)] 
     WCHAR** ppwszzLogFiles,
   [out] LONG* pcwcLogFiles

ppwszzLogFiles: A pointer to the WCHAR pointer that receives the list of null-terminated log file names. Detailed information about database file name structure formatting is specified in section 2.2.4.

pcwcLogFiles: A pointer to an integer value that contains the total length, in characters, of all strings (including the NULL terminator character) returned in ppwszzLogFiles.

The CA server MUST enforce the sequencing rules for BackupGetBackupLogs, as specified in section<52>

The CA server MUST apply the following processing rules:

  • If Config_CA_Interface_Flags contains the value IF_NOREMOTEICERTADMINBACKUP, the server SHOULD return an error. <53>

  • The CA server MUST return a list of file names associated with the databases log files required for backup. The list of files MUST be accessible to the CA. Each file name MUST be in UNC format and MUST be prefixed with an exclamation point "!". If there are no database log files, the CA MUST set 0 as the value of the *pcwcLogFiles parameter and return successfully.