共用方式為 Transactions

If the target ORB provides facilities for managing atomic transactions,<39> the following SHOULD be used to configure this facility:

  • The Transaction, FlowTransactionIntegratorProperties, TransactionTimeout, and TransactionIsolationLevel properties of the ComponentsAndFullConfigurations table, as specified in section

  • The TransactionTimeout property of the MachineSettings table, as specified in section

Compensation is a well-known technique for guaranteeing atomicity and durability of transactions using a write-ahead log (for an example of this technique, see [ARIESTrnsRcvr]). A compensating resource manager is an ORB facility that applies compensation using an ORB-managed log. If the target ORB provides compensating resource managers,<40> the following SHOULD be used to configure this facility:

  • The CRMEnabled and CRMLogFile properties of the Conglomerations table, as specified in section