Security Envoy Property
This property is used to notify the unmarshaling client that the server object is using security specified by this protocol. The server object returns the security envoy context property as part of an OBJREF_EXTENDED instance.
The policyId field of the PROPMARSHALHEADER instance ([MS-DCOM] section for the security envoy property MUST be set to guidSecurityProperty (see section 1.9). The CLSID field of the PROPMARSHALHEADER instance ([MS-DCOM] section for the security envoy property MUST be set to CLSID_SecurityEnvoy (see section 1.9).
The marshaled data buffer for the property MUST be specified in the following format:
1 |
2 |
3 |
MaxVersion |
MinVersion |
guidServerDomain (16 bytes) |
... |
... |
guidServerMachine (16 bytes) |
... |
... |
MaxVersion (2 bytes): The major version number for this security envoy property format; this field MUST be set to 0x0001.
MinVersion (2 bytes): The minor version number for this security envoy property format; this field MUST be set to 0x0001.
guidServerDomain (16 bytes): A GUID that uniquely identifies the domain of the server machine. For more information, see [MS-NRPC] section
guidServerMachine (16 bytes): A GUID that uniquely identifies the server machine.