ITransactionStream::GetTxViaExport (Opnum 5)
This method returns the STxInfo instance (as specified in [MS-DTCO] section of the currently active transaction or returns an error if the specified TSN is not the same as the CurrentTSN value.
HRESULT GetTxViaExport( [in] unsigned long ulRequestSeq, [in] unsigned long ulcbWhereabouts, [in, size_is(ulcbWhereabouts)] BYTE* rgbWhereabouts, [out] unsigned long* pulcbExportCookie, [out, size_is(,*pulcbExportCookie)] BYTE** prgbExportCookie );
ulRequestSeq: The caller's CurrentTSN value of the currently active transaction.
ulcbWhereabouts: The unsigned size, in bytes, of rgbWhereabouts.
rgbWhereabouts: The SWhereabouts instance ([MS-DTCO] section of the caller's local DTCO transaction manager implementation.
pulcbExportCookie: The unsigned size, in bytes, of prgbExportCookie.
prgbExportCookie: An STxInfo instance of the currently active transaction (as specified in [MS-DTCO] section
Return Values: The method MUST return a positive value or zero to indicate successful completion, or a negative value to indicate failure. The client MUST treat any negative return value as a fatal error.
When processing this ORPC call, if ulRequestSeq is the same as the CurrentTSN value, the ITransactionStream Server (section 3.23) MUST do the following:
Set pulcbExportCookie to the size of prgbExportCookie.
Copy STxInfo of the currently active transaction to the prgbExportCookie out parameter.
Otherwise, the ITransactionStream Server MUST return CONTEXT_E_ABORTED.