The NOTIFICATION_DATA_RPC structure contains the information for a specific notification. See ApiGetNotifyV2 (section for the exact values the fields of this structure use for specific notification objects and their types.<28>

 typedef struct _NOTIFICATION_DATA_RPC {
   [ size_is(dwBufferSize) ] BYTE* buffer;
   DWORD dwBufferSize;
   [ string ] LPWSTR ObjectId;
   [ string ] LPWSTR ParentId;
   [ string ] LPWSTR Name;
   [ string ] LPWSTR Type;

FilterAndType: A NOTIFY_FILTER_AND_TYPE_RPC (section structure containing the object type and notification value.

buffer: A pointer to the payload buffer. The format of this buffer is specific to the notification type. For details, see ApiGetNotifyV2.

dwBufferSize: The size in bytes of the buffer field.

ObjectId: A buffer of 16-bit Unicode characters containing the Id of the object for which the notification was generated. This field MUST be followed by 0 or more bytes of padding, which MUST be ignored.

ParentId: A buffer of 16-bit Unicode characters containing the Id of the parent of the object represented by the ObjectId field. This field MUST be followed by 0 or more bytes of padding, which MUST be ignored.

Name: A buffer of 16-bit Unicode characters containing the name of the object for which the notification was generated. This field MUST be followed by 0 or more bytes of padding, which MUST be ignored.

Type: A buffer of 16-bit Unicode characters containing the object type for which the notification was generated. This field MUST be followed by 0 or more bytes of padding, which MUST be ignored.