The CLUSCTL_GROUP_ENUM_COMMON_PROPERTIES group control code retrieves the names of the common properties, as specified in section, of the designated group.

The common properties of a group are the part of the group's nonvolatile configuration data that is maintained in the cluster state and whose schema is defined by the server.

After successful completion of the method, the server MUST write, to the buffer that is designated by lpOutBuffer, the names of common properties that can be modified. The server MUST write these names as a MULTI_SZ string. If the lpOutBuffer buffer is not large enough to accommodate the string, error 0x000000EA (ERROR_MORE_DATA) MUST be returned.

The server SHOULD accept a CLUSCTL_GROUP_ENUM_COMMON_PROPERTIES group control code request if its protocol server state is read only, and the server MUST accept the request for processing if it is in the read/write state, as specified in section 3.1.1.