

在 Microsoft Jet 語法或 DAV 搜尋中,使用變數中的值作為篩選的一部分,並尋找 daSL () 語法。 在下列範例中,會說明變數做為篩選一部分的用法:

fullname = "Dan Wilson" 
' This approach uses Chr(34) to delimit the value.  
criteria = "[FullName] = " & Chr(34) & fullname _ & Chr(34) 
' This approach uses the double quotation mark to delimit the value.  
criteria = "[FullName] = """ & fullname & """" 
' This approach uses the escaped hexadecimal value of the double quotation mark to delimit the value.  
criteria = "[FullName] = "%22" & fullname & "%22"" 


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