WdWordDialogTab 列舉 (Word)
名稱 | 值 | 描述 |
wdDialogEmailOptionsTabQuoting | 1900002 | [Email選項] 對話方塊的 [一般] 索引標籤。 |
wdDialogEmailOptionsTabSignature | 1900000 | Email [Email選項] 對話方塊的 [簽章] 索引標籤。 |
wdDialogEmailOptionsTabStationary | 1900001 | [Email選項] 對話方塊的 [個人固定] 索引標籤。 |
wdDialogFilePageSetupTabCharsLines | 150004 | Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box, with Apply To drop-down list active. |
wdDialogFilePageSetupTabLayout | 150003 | Layout tab of the Page Setup dialog box. |
wdDialogFilePageSetupTabMargins | 150000 | Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box. |
wdDialogFilePageSetupTabPaper | 150001 | Paper tab of the Page Setup dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatBordersAndShadingTabBorders | 700000 | Borders tab of the Borders dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatBordersAndShadingTabPageBorder | 700001 | Page Border tab of the Borders dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatBordersAndShadingTabShading | 700002 | Shading tab of the Borders dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatBulletsAndNumberingTabBulleted | 1500000 | Bulleted tab of the Bullets and Numbering dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatBulletsAndNumberingTabNumbered | 1500001 | Numbered tab of the Bullets and Numbering dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatBulletsAndNumberingTabOutlineNumbered | 1500002 | Outline Numbered tab of the Bullets and Numbering dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabColorsAndLines | 1200000 | Colors and Lines tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabHR | 1200007 | Colors and Lines tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabPicture | 1200004 | Picture tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabPosition | 1200002 | Position tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabSize | 1200001 | Size tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabTextbox | 1200005 | Textbox tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabWeb | 1200006 | Web tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabWrapping | 1200003 | Wrapping tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatFontTabAnimation | 600002 | Animation tab of the Font dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatFontTabCharacterSpacing | 600001 | Character Spacing tab of the Font dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatFontTabFont | 600000 | Font tab of the Font dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatParagraphTabIndentsAndSpacing | 1000000 | Indents and Spacing tab of the Paragraph dialog box. |
wdDialogFormatParagraphTabTeisai | 1000002 | Line and Page Breaks tab of the Paragraph dialog box, with choices appropriate for Asian text. |
wdDialogFormatParagraphTabTextFlow | 1000001 | Line and Page Breaks tab of the Paragraph dialog box. |
wdDialogInsertIndexAndTablesTabIndex | 400000 | Index tab of the Index and Tables dialog box. |
wdDialogInsertIndexAndTablesTabTableOfAuthorities | 400003 | Table of Authorities tab of the Index and Tables dialog box. |
wdDialogInsertIndexAndTablesTabTableOfContents | 400001 | Table of Contents tab of the Index and Tables dialog box. |
wdDialogInsertIndexAndTablesTabTableOfFigures | 400002 | Table of Figures tab of the Index and Tables dialog box. |
wdDialogInsertSymbolTabSpecialCharacters | 200001 | Special Characters tab of the Symbol dialog box. |
wdDialogInsertSymbolTabSymbols | 200000 | Symbols tab of the Symbol dialog box. |
wdDialogLetterWizardTabLetterFormat | 1600000 | Letter Format tab of the Letter Wizard dialog box. |
wdDialogLetterWizardTabOtherElements | 1600002 | Other Elements tab of the Letter Wizard dialog box. |
wdDialogLetterWizardTabRecipientInfo | 1600001 | Recipient Info tab of the Letter Wizard dialog box. |
wdDialogLetterWizardTabSenderInfo | 1600003 | Sender Info tab of the Letter Wizard dialog box. |
wdDialogNoteOptionsTabAllEndnotes | 300001 | All Endnotes tab of the Note Options dialog box. |
wdDialogNoteOptionsTabAllFootnotes | 300000 | All Footnotes tab of the Note Options dialog box. |
wdDialogOrganizerTabAutoText | 500001 | AutoText tab of the Organizer dialog box. |
wdDialogOrganizerTabCommandBars | 500002 | Command Bars tab of the Organizer dialog box. |
wdDialogOrganizerTabMacros | 500003 | Macros tab of the Organizer dialog box. |
wdDialogOrganizerTabStyles | 500000 | Styles tab of the Organizer dialog box. |
wdDialogTablePropertiesTabCell | 1800003 | Cell tab of the Table Properties dialog box. |
wdDialogTablePropertiesTabColumn | 1800002 | Column tab of the Table Properties dialog box. |
wdDialogTablePropertiesTabRow | 1800001 | Row tab of the Table Properties dialog box. |
wdDialogTablePropertiesTabTable | 1800000 | Table tab of the Table Properties dialog box. |
wdDialogTemplates | 2100000 | Templates tab of the Templates and Add-ins dialog box. |
wdDialogTemplatesLinkedCSS | 2100003 | Linked CSS tab of the Templates and Add-ins dialog box. |
wdDialogTemplatesXMLExpansionPacks | 2100002 | XML Expansion Packs tab of the Templates and Add-ins dialog box. |
wdDialogTemplatesXMLSchema | 2100001 | XML Schema tab of the Templates and Add-ins dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsAutoCorrectExceptionsTabFirstLetter | 1400000 | First Letter tab of the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsAutoCorrectExceptionsTabHangulAndAlphabet | 1400002 | Hangul and Alphabet tab of the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box. Available only in multi-language versions. |
wdDialogToolsAutoCorrectExceptionsTabIac | 1400003 | Other Corrections tab of the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsAutoCorrectExceptionsTabInitialCaps | 1400001 | Initial Caps tab of the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsAutoManagerTabAutoCorrect | 1700000 | AutoCorrect tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsAutoManagerTabAutoFormat | 1700003 | AutoFormat tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsAutoManagerTabAutoFormatAsYouType | 1700001 | Format As You Type tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsAutoManagerTabAutoText | 1700002 | AutoText tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsAutoManagerTabSmartTags | 1700004 | Smart Tags tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsEnvelopesAndLabelsTabEnvelopes | 800000 | Envelopes tab of the Envelopes and Labels dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsEnvelopesAndLabelsTabLabels | 800001 | Labels tab of the Envelopes and Labels dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabAcetate | 1266 | 不支援。 |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabBidi | 1029 | Complex Scripts tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabCompatibility | 525 | Compatibility tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabEdit | 224 | Edit tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabFileLocations | 225 | File Locations tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabFuzzy | 790 | 不支援。 |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabGeneral | 203 | General tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabHangulHanjaConversion | 786 | Hangul Hanja Conversion tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabPrint | 208 | Print tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabProofread | 211 | Spelling and Grammar tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabSave | 209 | Save tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabSecurity | 1361 | Security tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabTrackChanges | 386 | Track Changes tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabTypography | 739 | Asian Typography tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabUserInfo | 213 | User Information tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTabView | 204 | View tab of the Options dialog box. |
wdDialogWebOptionsBrowsers | 2000000 | Browsers tab of the Web Options dialog box. |
wdDialogWebOptionsEncoding | 2000003 | Encoding tab of the Web Options dialog box. |
wdDialogWebOptionsFiles | 2000001 | Files tab of the Web Options dialog box. |
wdDialogWebOptionsFonts | 2000004 | Fonts tab of the Web Options dialog box. |
wdDialogWebOptionsGeneral | 2000000 | General tab of the Web Options dialog box. |
wdDialogWebOptionsPictures | 2000002 | Pictures tab of the Web Options dialog box. |
wdDialogStyleManagementTabEdit | 2200000 | Edit tab of the Style Management dialog box. |
wdDialogStyleManagementTabRecommend | 2200001 | Recommend tab of the Style Management dialog box. |
wdDialogStyleManagementTabRestrict | 2200002 | Restrict tab of the Style Management dialog box. |
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