Word) (Global.AutoCorrect 屬性
會傳回含有目前自動校正選項、項目及例外狀況的 AutoCorrect 物件。 唯讀。
expression。 AutoCorrect
表達 代表 'Global' 物件的變數。
此範例會新增自動校正取代項目。 執行此程式碼之後,會將每個在文件中輸入的 "sr" 自動取代為 "Stella Richards"。
AutoCorrect.Entries.Add Name:= "sr", Value:= "Stella Richards"
此範例會刪除指定的自動校正項目 (如果存在)。
Dim strInput as String
Dim aceLoop as AutoCorrectEntry
Dim blnMatch as Boolean
Dim intConfirm as Integer
blnMatch = False
strInput = InputBox("Enter the AutoCorrect entry to delete.")
For Each aceLoop in AutoCorrect.Entries
With aceLoop
If .Name = strInput Then
blnMatch = True
intConfirm = _
MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete " & _
.Name, 4)
If intConfirm = vbYes Then
End If
End If
End With
Next aceLoop
If blnMatch <> True Then
MsgBox "There was no AutoCorrect entry: " & strInput
End If
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