
Curve.Point 方法 (Visio)



運算式Point (txy)

表達 代表 Curve 物件的變數。


名稱 必要/選用 資料類型 描述
t 必要 雙精確度 曲線的參數範圍中要評估的值
x 必要 雙精確度 t傳回曲線的 x值。
y 必要 雙精確度 t傳回曲線的y值。



Curve 物件是透過參數範圍來描述,此參數範圍是 [Start(),End()]。 Curve物件的Point方法會傳回位於位置 tx,y座標,也就是沿著曲線路徑的任何位置。 Point 方法可用於推斷曲線延伸到 [Start(),End()] 之外的路徑。


本 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 巨集會在文件的使用中頁面上繪製圓形 (可視為一種特殊的橢圓)。 然後它會重複圓形的 Paths 集合及每個 Path 物件,以顯示曲線上各點的座標。 因為繪製的是圓形圖形,所以會是只有一個路徑的 Curve 物件。

Sub Point_Example() 
 Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape 
 Dim vsoPaths As Visio.Paths 
 Dim vsoPath As Visio.Path 
 Dim vsoCurve As Visio.Curve 
 Dim dblEndpoint As Double 
 Dim dblXCoordinate As Double 
 Dim dblYCoordinate As Double 
 Dim intOuterLoopCounter As Integer 
 Dim intInnerLoopCounter As Integer 
 'Get the Paths collection for this shape. 
 Set vsoPaths = ActivePage.DrawOval(1, 1, 4, 4).Paths 
 'Iterate through the Path objects in the Paths collection. 
 For intOuterLoopCounter = 1 To vsoPaths.Count 
 Set vsoPath = vsoPaths.Item(intOuterLoopCounter) 
 Debug.Print "Path object " & intOuterLoopCounter 
 'Iterate through the curves in the Path object. 
 For intInnerLoopCounter = 1 To vsoPath.Count 
 Set vsoCurve = vsoPath(intInnerLoopCounter) 
 Debug.Print "Curve number " & intInnerLoopCounter 
 'Display the endpoint of the curve 
 dblEndpoint = vsoCurve.End 
 Debug.Print "Endpoint= " & dblEndpoint 
 'Use the Point method to determine the 
 'coordinates of an arbitrary point on the curve 
 vsoCurve.Point (dblEndpoint/2), dblXCoordinate, dblYCoordinate 
 Debug.Print "Point= " & dblXCoordinate, dblYCoordinate 
 Next intInnerLoopCounter 
 Debug.Print "This path has " & intInnerLoopCounter - 1 & " curve object(s)." 
 Next intOuterLoopCounter 
 Debug.Print "This shape has " & intOuterLoopCounter - 1 & " path object(s)." 
End Sub


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