Curve.End 屬性 (Visio)
會傳回 Curve 物件的結束點。 唯讀。
表達 代表 Curve 物件的變數。
Curve 物件的 End 屬性會傳回曲線的結束點。 Curve 物件會根據其參數範圍來描述本身,也就是 [Start(),End()] 範圍,而其中的 End() 會產生此曲線的結束點。
這個 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 巨集會示範如何使用 End 屬性來決定曲線的結束點。
Sub End_Example()
Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape
Dim vsoPaths As Visio.Paths
Dim vsoPath As Visio.Path
Dim vsoCurve As Visio.Curve
Dim dblStartpoint As Double
Dim dblEndpoint As Double
Dim intOuterLoopCounter As Integer
Dim intInnerLoopCounter As Integer
'Get the Paths collection for this shape.
Set vsoPaths = ActivePage.DrawOval(1, 1, 4, 4).Paths
'Iterate through the Path objects in the Paths collection.
For intOuterLoopCounter = 1 To vsoPaths.Count
Set vsoPath = vsoPaths.Item(intOuterLoopCounter)
Debug.Print "Path object " & intOuterLoopCounter
'Iterate through the curves in a Path object.
For intInnerLoopCounter = 1 To vsoPath.Count
Set vsoCurve = vsoPath(intInnerLoopCounter)
Debug.Print "Curve number " & intInnerLoopCounter
'Display the start point of the curve.
dblStartpoint = vsoCurve.Start
Debug.Print "Startpoint= " & dblStartpoint
'Display the endpoint of the curve.
dblEndpoint = vsoCurve.End
Debug.Print "Endpoint= " & dblEndpoint
Next intInnerLoopCounter
Debug.Print "This path has " & intInnerLoopCounter - 1 & " curve object(s)."
Next intOuterLoopCounter
Debug.Print "This shape has " & intOuterLoopCounter - 1 & " path object(s)."
End Sub
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