Project () 的 Application.UsableWidth 屬性
會取得專案視窗的最大可用寬度 (以點為單位)。 唯讀的 Double。
expression 代表 Application 物件的變數。
UsableWidth 屬性等於主視窗減去捲軸所占的空間內的水平空間總量。
Sub FitWindows()
Dim W As Window ' The Window object used in For Each loop
For Each W In Application.Windows
' Adjust the height of each window, if necessary.
If W.Height > UsableHeight Then
W.Height = UsableHeight
W.Top = 0
' Adjust the vertical position of each window, if necessary.
ElseIf W.Top + W.Height > UsableHeight Then
W.Top = UsableHeight - W.Height
End If
' Adjust the width of each window, if necessary.
If W.Width > UsableWidth Then
W.Width = UsableWidth
W.Left = 0
' Adjust the horizontal position of each window, if necessary.
ElseIf W.Left + W.Width > UsableWidth Then
W.Left = UsableWidth - W.Width
End If
Next W
End Sub
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