
Outlook) (UserDefinedProperty.Type 屬性

會傳回 OlUserPropertyType 常數,指出 UserDefinedProperty 物件的類型。 唯讀。



表達 代表 UserDefinedProperty 物件的 變數。


下列 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 範例會在 [即時運算] 視窗中顯示指定Folder物件的名稱,以及所指定Folder物件之UserDefinedProperties集合中所包含之每個UserDefinedProperty物件的名稱和類型。

Sub DisplayUserProperties(ByRef FolderToCheck As Folder) 
 Dim objProperty As UserDefinedProperty 
 ' Print the name of the specified Folder object 
 ' reference to the Immediate window. 
 Debug.Print "--- Folder: " & FolderToCheck.Name 
 ' Check if there are any user-defined properties 
 ' associated with the Folder object reference. 
 If FolderToCheck.UserDefinedProperties.Count = 0 Then 
 ' No user-defined properties are present. 
 Debug.Print " No user-defined properties." 
 ' Iterate through every user-defined property in 
 ' the folder. 
 For Each objProperty In FolderToCheck.UserDefinedProperties 
 ' Retrieve the name of the user-defined property. 
 strPropertyInfo = objProperty.Name 
 ' Retrieve the type of the user-defined property. 
 Select Case objProperty.Type 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olCombination 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Combination)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olCurrency 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Currency)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olDateTime 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Date/Time)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olDuration 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Duration)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olEnumeration 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Enumeration)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olFormula 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Formula)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olInteger 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Integer)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olKeywords 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Keywords)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olNumber 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Number)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olOutlookInternal 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Outlook Internal)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olPercent 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Percent)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olSmartFrom 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Smart From)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olText 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Text)" 
 Case OlUserPropertyType.olYesNo 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Yes/No)" 
 Case Else 
 strPropertyInfo = strPropertyInfo & " (Unknown)" 
 End Select 
 ' Print the name and type of the user-defined property 
 ' to the Immediate window. 
 Debug.Print strPropertyInfo 
 End If 
End Sub


UserDefinedProperty 物件


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